
Want to see what I'm so excited about?
9/14/2006 8:22:09 AM

If you're in a hurry, and know something good when you
see it, just click the link below, and thank me later.

But... if you have a few minutes, you're going to love
what I have to say.

For months I thought it was almost impossible to make
any money online, sound familiar? After making a few
bucks here and there I realized it wasn't impossible,
but it wasn't going to happen as fast as I needed it

It all started to come together when my list grew. I
wasn't surprised, after all, The Money's In The List.
The problem was that building my list was taking way
too long, and I didn't have time to wait.

Then I got "Lucky" ...

I found a system that gave me access to a targeted
list of thousands of prospects right now, while at
the same time building a list for tomorrow. What I
found out next shocked me ...

The site is free!

Here's what sold me on Your Lucky List:

1. Free to join with no pressure to upgrade.

2. I wanted access to a huge optin list, now.

3. I knew I wanted to build my own list for the

4. There are serious rewards for being active.

Honestly, this system practically runs itself. That's
not to say that you can't kick it into overdrive with
a little effort on your part, but if you want to just
sit back and watch your list grow, you can do it.

Want to see what I'm so excited about?

Isn't it about time you had a "Lucky" list of your
very own?

Teresa Uriarte

P.S. After you join up, try to to tell a few your friends
about the site. It won't take much convincing and it will
put your list building into high gear.

P.P.S. You'll be blown away by how professional this site
is. This isn't one of those cheesy sites run by some joker
who has no clue what they're doing.

Teresa Uriarte
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Want to see what I'm so excited about?
9/14/2006 3:26:59 PM

Hi Teresa,

Have you seen my 10-page site of money making and money saving articles, opportunities, and advertising resources? It starts here:

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