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Re: You Don't Have The Right To Be In Business ...
9/13/2006 9:16:16 AM
Hello James, Ah, the Lotto mentality. You hit the nail right on the head. Thank you for your applause. I'm just sharing the truth. Have a great day my friend. Kenneth
Re: You Don't Have The Right To Be In Business ...
9/13/2006 9:22:36 AM
Hello Robert, I commend you on your last paragraph; Use sound business principles ... There are times you can find some GREAT things from some of the gurus but, with anything, do your due dilegence on any product/service. Thanks for your input and have a great day. Kenneth
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: You Don't Have The Right To Be In Business ...
9/13/2006 9:34:47 AM
Hello Kenneth,

Thank you for sharing a very good message, excellant advice and
the reasons why most of them don't work.

I have joined a lot of free programs in my short time doing business online
What I have found with many free programs, they are too complicated to
follow, you have to do much more in the back office to get up and running.
They have stuff to sell that people do not want to buy in the first place -
there are too many people doing the same thing, so the market is swamped
and one has to think and find alternative places to advertise.  The percentage
is not that much for the time and effort you put in etc etc...

I stilll have several free to join programs that I have kept because of the
tools or I use them e.g. Bravenet with all the tools of guestbook, Add your link
pages, counters, webpage building etc etc.  This would be one of the best
and I have used for years.  I get paid to read my email from web-based
email accounts (one has to have several email addys for all the spam)
Most of my surfing programs and traffic exchange I still use for advertising
are free as I have not bothered to upgrade - they serve their purpose.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver

Re: You Don't Have The Right To Be In Business ...
9/13/2006 9:41:26 AM
Hello Leslie, You are right. You will always work your business. Let's show, for example, Donald Trump and Bill Gates. Are they still working? You bet. People need to realize that money is a vehicle for exchange for other goods/services. Money doesn't come free. Let's say you work for an employer. You are exchanging your skills for a value, given in money, so you can purchase needed things; food, clothes, cars, home, etc ... Marketers are like employers. You need to pay for other skills you don't have to get to your end result. Your business generating income. This can be purchasing other services, like advertising or paying percentages per sales to affiliates to sell for you. Nothing is truly free. No one ever got rich by theirself. They had help from others somewhere. Whether it be a secretary, an agency, a manager, a janitor, whoever, all plays their role in a person's success. I mention the janitor for this reason. They perform a service that helps make you look clean to your clients in an office. Secretary keeps you connected and organized. I could go on. Even with an internet business, good practices sell you. Thanks for sharing, Leslie, and have a great day. Kenneth
Re: You Don't Have The Right To Be In Business ...
9/13/2006 9:43:11 AM
Hello Valerie, Well put. Enjoy your day. Kenneth