Humor is a great medicine. I have close freind that just had to have his leg amputated and though this sounds distressing (to say the least), he arrived at a church breakfast last week and yelled across the hall, " I'll be there in a minute Joe, I'm having trouble getting my footing ". If that wasn't enough, he continued with, " if anyone needs me to help out, let me know and I'll hobble right on over. " He had us all laughing so much we almost cried. His way of dealing with his loss was humor - and it worked. In fact, last night I spoke to him and he told me that he had called a cab to come pick him up at his house that same afternoon, so he went outside to wait. When the cab arrived the driver, seeing that my friend was on crutches, exited the cab and came around to assit. He was greeted with:
" Just open the door and I'll hop right in "
All the best,
Joe Buccheri