I am using the o2 Proformance Hydration from The Berry Tree lately. Nutronix also has some great products that I'm anxious to try including the Acaci. I also have asthma and Gerd and I think the o2 water helps the asthma. It adds oxygen to the water as well as lots of mineral and amino acids.
I seem to have the fibro fog all the time to some extent. I have trouble pulling words from my brain that should come easily. My family used to get mad at me for always saying "thing" Get that thing, or you , know, that thing, because I couldn't come up with the word. The other thing I would do is say the wrong thing. I'd say something totally off the wall and they'd say, do you mean----and the right thing. I'd say, yeah, what did I say and they'd tell me. They have gotten kind of used to it know and don't think much of it and have even learned to read what I mean when I can't come up with the words.
Another thing I've noticed, and I don't know if anyone else has this is that I seem to be very sensitive to smells and light. I can't sleep if there are different smells in the house. For example, if the cat box hasn't been cleaned of if I am cooking meat overnight in the oven or crockpot. When my husband gets up in the morning the first thing he wants to do is turn on a light. I don't turn on lights unless it is really dark in the house.
Am I just weird or is this part of the fibro? Anyone else have these?
My 17 yr old daughter has health issues that have not been diagnosed also. I think it sounds like fibro but the Dr doesn't think so. She has the muscle/joint pains, they travel and get better and worse. Mostly for her it's joint pain. She also has trouble sleeping and sometimes doens't sleep at all. She will do really dumb things sometimes and I'll ask her what she's doing and she says, I don't know, duh. Very much like me.