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Rich Houchin

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Re: Welcome To The 60th Edition Of The POTW (Person of the Week) Awards Forum!!!
9/11/2006 8:10:50 PM
Thanks for the invite John.   Congratulations Felicia.  What a great bio, I enjoyed reading all of it.  I am from Ohio and grew up about 20 miles north of Nashville.   Enjoy your week, you deserve it .   Keep up the good work.  Your friend   Rich
Laurel Nicolosi

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Re: Welcome To The 60th Edition Of The POTW (Person of the Week) Awards Forum!!!
9/11/2006 8:23:47 PM

Hi Felicia,

I can personally say from my heart, you deserve this nomination! I have spoken to you, and I know you have a genuine faith as I do in Christ, and that is so awesome to meet fellow Christians here!

I learned more about you on your bio, and you HAVE led a fascinating life and I am sure that God will continue to use you as you follow him - I am also looking for where God can use me, in the church and in I appreciate you and I see you as a good role model in Adland here and in where you have gone in your life, from corporate america, to sales, to what you do now!

Keep it up and know you have many friends at Adland here - enjoy your week "in the light" and be encouraged!

Your friend,


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Re: Welcome To The 60th Edition Of The POTW (Person of the Week) Awards Forum!!!
9/11/2006 8:45:46 PM

Hi Felicia

Congrats, very interesting bio. You definitely had a very exciting childhood, and a good memory too.

You have so much to tell, and I think that is a good thing. I can relate to your missing your mother. I am in the same boat.

I enjoy reading your bio, and I have a question for you. I read that you went to Oral Roberts Uni. and was wondering if you met Dr. Shirley Arnold. She is my pastor, and was once an on campus pastor at that university (not sure of the years).

Enjoy your week and keep the faith.

Take care



Melissa Fulwider

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Re: Welcome To The 60th Edition Of The POTW (Person of the Week) Awards Forum!!!
9/11/2006 9:26:21 PM

Congrat's on the POTW award, Felicia!  You're Beautiful!


yours for the future, melissa The Adland Interviews :
Patricia Bartch

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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The 60th Edition Of The POTW (Person of the Week) Awards Forum!!!
9/11/2006 10:02:15 PM

Congratulations Felicia.  You deserve to be the person of the week.


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