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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Person Of The Week
9/11/2006 3:34:35 AM
Hello my friends, Have an amazing week, be safe and tellsomeone you love them. I love all my friends,kathy/ MODESTY- A woman with a gentle and quiet spirit is not only presious to God, But she is attractive to others also. She dresses appropriatley, But it is her inner adornment that is noted because she is secure and at rest within her spirit. Cynthia Heald- Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Larry Blethen

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Person Of The Week
9/11/2006 6:26:28 AM
Hello have a good week...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
9/11/2006 9:45:33 AM
Hello Kathy, Yes...that is a beautiful expression of how a "lady" should be. Thank you for sharing it.
9/11/2006 11:59:09 AM

Hello Kathy,

What is considered popular attire today makes me wonder.  I have two grown daughters. They are still babies in my eyes. I have to protect them! Don't I?

My youngest dresses popularly and got a tattoo!  I won't go into detail about how I reacted to that one and the feelings that arise whenever she is "dressed?" for success.  But, here is how I look at the situation now.

What a blessing.  I get to work on my parenting skills.  I am learning patience, diplomacy, understanding and how to keep my mouth shut.

Believe me I have made my feelings known on the issue and it just makes matters worse.  Sometimes you just have to let the people you love learn their own lessons.

Good parents and leaders, lead by example however, ladies attire is not my forte, I am coming to Washington in November with my daughter. Kathy, it is my hope that we can meet so my baby can see a true leader in action.

God Bless

Jack Foriska I don't run in the RAT RACE anymore because I learned to think outside of the box at the Nouveau Riche University and so can you.
Flag of The Drummerboy

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9/11/2006 12:28:28 PM

Thanks Kathy!  :-)

You are such a bright light in the community!  You always seem to brighten up my day!  :-)

Thanks for being you!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!
