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SEPTEMBER 11. 2006
9/9/2006 4:12:00 PM
On Monday, September 11, 2006, our radio station will only be playing two tunes. We will begin airing them at Midnight and will continue to play them until sunset - September 11, 2006. Those tunes will be; Heros in my Life from David Peoples Shower the People - James Taylor We ask that you please join us by playing them while you go about your day at home or your place of business. Thank you, The Staff & Management at TGAMM FM The Great American Music Machine
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Flag of Joe Goldner

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Re: SEPTEMBER 11. 2006
9/9/2006 4:46:23 PM

How about Proud To Be An American and Have We Forgotten

Joe Goldner COO Ritty In The City
Re: SEPTEMBER 11. 2006
9/9/2006 4:52:55 PM
Just no Dixie Chicks
Re: SEPTEMBER 11. 2006
9/9/2006 5:05:11 PM

That would have worked as well, however, both tunes being aired have those lyrics that emcompass all people and this is our hope, that all people as the damily of man will join together to lify up all the heros in life and to shower one another with the love that binds us all in unity.


Joe Buccheri

Re: SEPTEMBER 11. 2006
9/9/2006 5:08:57 PM
Sorry about the typos ......." Lift "  ..... " Family "

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