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Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/11/2006 9:33:30 PM

Congrats to all the winners, you deserve the fame.

Have a wonderful week.

Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/12/2006 12:55:46 PM
CONGRADS TO ALL OF YOU! I am so shocked to see my name here. Thanks Deb
God Bless You!!

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/12/2006 4:38:21 PM
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 John and Team!

Looks that I'm always the last to find out the gossip! LOL!!!
I'm not too sure what to say first!
Perhaps let's start with the reason I came here:

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To all my AWARDED friends! You really are some deserving persons!

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From all my heart

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... by the way, speaking of heart! I almost forgot while looking for some "ilistration" for my Greetings :-)

This was a real WAW!
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...for choosing me for this great honor!
I wander tho, how could you get this result?!

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for thinking of me, even if I didn't do too much for deserving this and for all the kind words I've got! 
With lots of friendship,
Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/13/2006 11:38:07 AM

Hello Everyone!  :-)


Wow so many Guest have showed up and some of the Awards Winners also.

Sorry I haven't been able to greet you all personally, it's been a really busy week for me. But I want to say thank you to all of you for your participation in the forum.


Love and Blessings to you all!  ;-)


John Sanchez

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WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/13/2006 11:53:17 AM

Thanks John, and everyone who came in to offer congrats, and to all the other winners this week!   Here's a big sunshine and a little clapping dude for everyone and especially the other ladies from Michigan, Kathy C and offset several days of rain here.

