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Linda Miller

3429 Posts
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Re: Invitation to Success and the Law of Attraction with Amy Grant and Michael Losier
9/9/2006 6:47:53 PM

Yay Robin!  I will listen for you!  "Hear" you there!

Many blessings.


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Linda Miller

3429 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Re: Invitation to Success and the Law of Attraction with Amy Grant and Michael Losier
9/9/2006 6:49:32 PM

Hey Tim,

Hopefully you will get home and you can relax and listen to the call.

Happy root canal.

Many blessings.


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Invitation to Success and the Law of Attraction with Amy Grant and Michael Losier
9/16/2006 6:13:33 PM
I listened to the call this morning.
I'm watching what I say now and avoiding the three negative words and it's working wonders.

It reminded me of when our children were having problems in school and a social worker taught us to use positive reinforcement and we had to change our vocabulary so that our kids didn't get those negative vibes from us. It works with everything you do. If you can train your tongue, you can train your mind.

PS:I love you!
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