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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Soldiers Poem
9/6/2006 2:21:16 AM
Hello my friends, Here is a Soldiers Poem, That was written by an 11year old boy. S ticking to their duties.... O f Being a very Strong Soldier.... L oving families to support them... D own every street... I n their uniforms they march... E very day so Brave... R ed, Whie, and Blue is what they fight for... S o we can feel safe... Thank you to all the wonderful Men And Women of our Armed Forces here and over seas.
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Re: Soldiers Poem
9/6/2006 7:14:19 AM

That's nice Kathy,
I have a video I'd like to link to in your forum, "honor the fallen". Have to find it.

Good luck to you,

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Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Soldiers Poem
9/6/2006 9:25:30 AM
Hi Kathy,

Thank you for the invitation.

This poem is short and sweet and says it all.  The young boy has more insight than many adults.

Thank you for sharing.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
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Re: Soldiers Poem
9/6/2006 11:52:54 AM

Hi Kathy,

          That was wonderful!!

Thank you for sharing.Myspace Profiles

Your Good Friend


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Re: Soldiers Poem
9/6/2006 12:05:20 PM

Hello Kathy,

Thank you for the forum!!  Remembering the Soulders !!!

God Bless!!!

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