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Re: Who is Pastor Lynn Feaster?
9/5/2006 2:08:44 PM

Hi Angela.

Unfortunately I left the links in full, hoping that our members would not click them, but be able to see them if they have not already had this invite.

Maybe some of our more 'talented' computer geeks here at adlandpro can check them out & see if they are booby trapped or not.


Your Security Friend in Oregon

Re: Who is Pastor Lynn Feaster?
9/5/2006 2:16:01 PM

Hi Jenny my little Spanish Angel.....

Sorry I have been trying to find out who this Pastor Lynn is most of the day here & once I found out how difficult it was I thought I best get a warning out to the community as I know how kind hearted they are & I did not want to see anymore of them getting conned until I could accertain definately if this is genuine or a scam. I did not see your forum & I know that you have not been able to send me an email as I got your Skype message.....

As I replied earlier, if Pastor Lynn is on the level, then I'm sure that him/her would be glad that we were so diligent in not getting conned before checking this out. Hopefully they will reply to the invitation I sent them to fully explain why they have not put any information about themselves in their Adlandpro profile & why they introduced themselves to us in this manner.


Your Security Friend in Oregon

Flag of Angela Cardwell

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Re: Who is Pastor Lynn Feaster?
9/5/2006 2:17:17 PM

Ok, seeing all of the concern here, I couldn't resist.

Here's the pastor:

I checked the source code. Found no malicious code. No code for pop ups or any other type of adware. Seems to be a nice bio with plenty of information about the pastor.

Good luck to all,

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Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Re: Who is Pastor Lynn Feaster?
9/5/2006 2:24:57 PM
Hi Anthony, It is good of you to warn our friends like this, even on the suspicion that something isn't quite right. Having done some digging, I think that Pastor Iyeasha D.L. (Lynn) Feaster is on the up and up. While I do not necessarily agree with all her theology, I believe the core of her beliefs are solid, and that she is NOT trying to scam anyone. Here is further contact information from her website: Anchored Victoriously In Christ Incorporated, is a 501.c.3 non-profit corporation based in our Great State of Ohio 5247 Wilson Mills Road # 281, Richmond Heights, Oh 44143-3016 Phone (216) 297-9107 Fax (216) 297-9108 In regard to the opportunity being promoted by her, as always I STRONGLY recommend that anyone who is interested do their complete due diligence. No one is immune to making mistakes. God bless, Dave
Re: Who is Pastor Lynn Feaster?
9/5/2006 2:30:22 PM

Hi Angela.


Nice one, thanks for that.


It's a pity the Pastor could not have put that information in their profile so we could all see for oursleves, then maybe i would not have received the amount of emails I have from worried members that there may be another scammer amongst us.

It would still be nice to hear from Pastor Lynn though, on why they sent out these invites instead of just making a forum about all of their 'good works'.


Your Security Friend in Oregon


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