Hi, this is Joanne Martell from Wannaberichtoo.com
I was wondering if you've ever considered starting your own membership site. You see I have software that will allow you to do this. Here are some of the features included in this software:
- You can run Unlimited Memberships Levels on one single domain. i.e. Free, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium Membership and so on.
- Allows members to create their own username and password.
- Every membership has its own separate protected area. Members only can access a members area that they signed up.
- You can charge a different price for every membership type.
- Add as many pages as you like for every members area.
- To add new members pages, no need to know HTML. You have an integrated admin area with WYSIWYG. Just type your text and then save.
- Add different products from admin area for different members areas.
- Use one or all three currencies: GB Pound, USD and/or EURO
- These multiple payment processors can be intergrated: Paypal, Alertpay, Sfipay, E-gold etc.
- An affiliate program has been integrated. Let your visitors market your site for you.
This is the very same software that I use one my own membership site at http://www.wannaberichtoo.com/membership
For under $30, you can have your own membership site, allowing you to earn money and build your list at the same time!
Check the amazing software out here: