$5.50=$14,343.75. Is
this hype?
NO, it is very possible with just your $5.50 membership. The upgrade CROWN membership is paid by your downline.
Check it out at
Absolute Business Connection
You need to do a couple of things to make it happen.
FIRST, you need so sign up eight qualifying members (if you can't get 8 members for
$5.50 each, you are in the wrong business.
This will insure that you are paid down to the 11th level in this 3x11 matrix.
SECOND, you need to make sure that your eight members get their eight members.
Can you see where this is going?
Here is the kicker. I already have a massive traffic generator in place, and it wil start generating traffic in about 30 days.
So get your qualified members in place, because I exept thousend to
sign up, and with the 3x11 matrix, the spill over will be awesome.
If I add 2,000-3,000-4,000 or even more can you seethe spill over effect?
And with all of these people adding their qualifiers, what do you think the downline will look like?
1,092 qualified people in your downline, enrolled in the basic and CROWN programs will generate $14,343.75.
Does that get your intention?
Ans speaking of downlines, how many of you would like a "warm"downline of several thousend people?
You can collect your money several ways from this overseas, offshore
company, so once of you decide how much money you want to ear, go to
Absolute Business Connection
Have a nice day,
Jack van Rosmalen
Programs for your succes!
PS, For $5.50 everyone you know should join