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Extremely Important - NO JOKE
9/4/2006 3:40:03 PM
Hello my friends, This was brought to my attention so I am passing it to you,Kathy/ Extremely Important - NO JOKE During the next several weeks be VERY cautious about opening or launching any e-mails that refer to the World Trade Center or 9/11 in any way, regardless of who sent it. PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY. FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW, "WTC" STANDS FOR THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. REALLY DANGEROUS BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL OPEN IT RIGHT AWAY, THINKING ! ITS A STORY RELATING TO 9/11! BIGGGG TROUBLE !!!! DO NOT OPEN "WTC Survivor " It is a virus that will erase your whole "C" drive.. It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat, a friend sent it to me, but called and warned me before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he can't even start his computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all. So, if you receive an email called "WTC Survivor", do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries (all files) from your computer. PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE
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Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Extremely Important - NO JOKE
9/4/2006 3:47:08 PM
Hello Kathy,

Thank you for the information.
I will be careful.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: Extremely Important - NO JOKE
9/4/2006 3:51:33 PM
Hi Angel, How are you,I would just like to say a huge thankyou for sending this,it really helps if we keep each other informed on these matters. Thanks, Gary.
Re: Extremely Important - NO JOKE
9/4/2006 3:57:27 PM
Hi Again Kathy, Is it not bad enough,the misery,heartache and pain that was suffered and still is of 9/11,without these malicious fools causing even more,oh,I am so annoyed at these people. They are doing nothing more than causing misery on the back of misery. Attrocities do not deserve to be treated in this miserable manner. Thanks, Gary.
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Re: Extremely Important - NO JOKE
9/4/2006 4:38:35 PM
Hello Steve, I am sure glad your watching and helping all of us, Thanks Gary Thanks Georgios. Glad we are a neighborhood watch for eachother, love to you all,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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