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Can You Handle The TRUTH ????
9/3/2006 12:41:00 AM

Truth is:

To succeed on the internet You MUST have the proper mindset.

This is why 95% of the people fail that try an internet business. They want a 'fast click' way to riches.

I asked in the subject line "Can You Handle The TRUTH ????"  Let's see if you can. Four simple things to succeed.

First off I want you to understand certain things about starting ANY online marketing business:

1. It will require your TIME.

While there are ways to leverage the resources of others, you must be able to put time into getting your business started.

There is no magic amount of time that you need to spend, but I would say you need a minimum of 5 to 10 hours per week to get going.

2. It will require your MONEY.

If you just lost your job and you have no money, and your mortgage is coming due and you have bills that need to be paid, you are NOT in the position to get started with this business.

You need to invest some money into this business. Furthermore, it will take time before you make enough money each month to be able to survive.

My biggest suggestion is to have another source of income while you are starting out. I was working a part-time job in a Job Corps center and playing music on the weeknds when I started out.

Once my business was strong enough I was able to quit (even though I didn't quit) that job and devote full-time hours to my business.

3. It will require your PATIENCE.

Your Marketing business will most likely not be an overnight success (with a few rare exceptions).

You will not become a millionaire in the first week, or in the first month, and most likely not the first year.

In fact, it will probably take a minimum of two to six months to get to a point where you are able to rely on your Internet business.

It will most likely take one to three years to build a very strong business that will last for decades.

This all requires your PATIENCE. Success will come if you continue to work. Success will surely NOT come if you give up after little or no effort.

4. It will require your PASSION.

If you are not passionate about starting your own Internet business, then stop right now, close this window and go back to your day job.

If you are the type of person who goes day to day without caring about much else than himself (or herself), then please kindly leave now.

This business is not for the selfish or unpassionate. You must be ready to help others. You must love the idea of working for yourself. You must be ready to put your heart into this business.

Only then will you see success. Your clients will sense your passion and trust you more. Your partners will enjoy working with you. Your business will grow naturally.

So I'll ask one more time ...

Can You Handle The TRUTH ????

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Nan Herring

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Re: Can You Handle The TRUTH ????
9/3/2006 12:52:17 AM
this is a great great article. everyone should read and understand it.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Can You Handle The TRUTH ????
9/3/2006 12:57:56 AM
Hello Kenneth,

Thank you for writing an excellent forum, I agree with your Truth.

I agree with you, one has to build solid foundations in your business which takes time and lots of effort and passion.

I would love to hear your suggestion what to say to people when you are telling them about your business and they ask you "how much money are you making'?..
How many in your downline"?  How long have you been in the business? etc

These questions are quite hard to answer when you seem to be slower than some of your fellow business partners who have gone out there and managed to recruit
new people in like mad.  To keep ones focus and not feel useless.

Many of these people seem to think that new people should be up and running and have heaps in their downline and selling like mad.  Yet not everyone is like this.
I guess this is why 95% fail - One has to overcome the Naysayers.. lol

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
Lucy Walker

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Re: Can You Handle The TRUTH ????
9/3/2006 1:36:30 AM

Well Hello Kenneth Sword,

That is so well put that it brings tears to my eyes. I was wondering what was going on. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. I don't know any real people who have made money that fast and I know a lot of weatlthy people. I think it is easier to exaggerate if you are not looking your perspective mark in the eye. Everytime I click an offer a screen comes up promising thousands in such a short time.

A friend of mine and I sat and clicked through a popular traffic exchange together one day. She was tickled pink and asked me how I could stand it.

Not only that, but since I have been doing this I have been getting loads of mail in the US Postal Service. Everyday I get at least  4 communications telling me that I have won over a million dollars and all I have to do is send in anywhere from 19.99 to 39.99 in order to be able to collect my money. They even tell me it is my money.  I tested one company and sent in the 19.99. One week later they wrote me another letter asking for $29.00 so I could get MY money.

How much money do I send in order to collect my money?

Earlier today, a young lady sent me an email offer and she said that she had already made $125.00 after a month. That I thought was honest and sincere. I joined that program. Several other people had offered the same thing, but they made pie in the sky intelligence insulting promises.

I removed the link of one business from my site because the mail I was getting was way too strange. Instead of clicking on the pretty car and following the link, they emailed me asking how they could make money from my site. Just like it was going to happen over night. I felt responsible for that misconception so I severed my relations with that company.

This might sound a little strange to say in an Advertising Community, but money is everything.

So yeah, I'm handling the truth big guy. I'm even having a little fun doing it.

And thanks for turning me on to blogs. You can visit mine on my main site.

Day to Day Still keeping it Real!



Lucy Walker


Sheryl Loch

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Re: Can You Handle The TRUTH ????
9/3/2006 1:45:43 AM

Hello Kenneth,

Great forum!!

I do think that I am on the slowly but surley path to success!

I have set goals that I can reach and have. So I just set the next set of goals and move forward.

I also picked a company that I beleive in, and that fits right into my lifestyle. It is not the fasted way to make money but I love doing it!

Be sure to smile when you talk (or type) about your product it shows!!!

Have a super day,

