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Donna Zuehl

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8/31/2006 8:23:12 PM

I am sharing a post I wrote for my fibromyalgia blog on fibrofog. I hope this helps explain what it is.

Posted in FibroFog

One of the symptoms of  fibromyalgia has been coined as "fibrofog" or "fibro fog".  What does this mean in real terms? Fibrofog  is another one of those mysterious symptoms that can not definitely be pinpointed in terms of what causes it,  when it will occur, how long it may last, and and whether each person with fibromyalgia will have it. Fibrofog can be described in various terms such as:
  • brain haziness
  • inability to concentrate
  • short-term memory impairment
  • short-term memory loss
  • cognitive dysfunction
  • brain fog
  • unclear thinking
  • inability to organize thoughts
  • fuzziness
  • confusion
  • inability to communicate such as stuttering, incoherent statements
  • inability to think of the word or words you want to say
  • difficulty making decisions
  • great fatigue
  • feeling funny or strange
  • feeling like someone closed a curtain in your brain
Hopefully these descriptions will come close to explaining what fibrofog feels like. As far as when it might occur, there is some thought that the great fatigue felt by those with fibromyalgia may increase the likelihood of fibrofog. It may occur with greater frequency during a fibromyalgia flare-up. It may be related to low blood flow to the brain. These are just theories.
How long might it last? It can last for a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, or months. There is no specific pattern.
Speaking from personal experience, I don't think I experience fibrofog very often but when I do it is somewhat like having a headache and not being able to focus or think clearly, but without the headache, if that makes any sense! When I have a bad headache I will say that I cannot think, my head hurts too much. With fibrofog I cannot think because I just feel too exhausted to think.
I hope this article helps you understand what fibrofog means.
You may reprint this article as long as you include this resource box.

Comments are welcome.
Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: Fibrofog
8/31/2006 8:35:23 PM

3 sites I would like you to see. One is a video from our founder at Eniva, Dr. Benjamin Baechler. The other 2 are testimonial page/audio on Fibromyalgia. Tom  Click on the video number 7 Written testimonial  Audio testimonial

The product:

I hope this helps! My Best Health To Everyone! Tom  :o)

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Mike Eldred

237 Posts
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Re: Fibrofog
8/31/2006 9:12:06 PM

Donna Hello,    I only get like that when I've gone with no sleep for 24 hrs. I can't imagine going days or off and on for several days with symtoms like that..  I know many of you have probably read alot but I wish to forward this info to you.. I truelly hope you find it helpfull. 



Second description: 

 Doctors have testafied the potential of useing this themselves..


The total time working out ways your time with family.
Katheryn Haigler

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Re: Fibrofog
8/31/2006 9:18:53 PM



My mom and I have definately had the fibro fog.  We used a product several years ago that helped but they no longer make it.

Recently we found that if we keep our bodies detoxified.  At this point we have great water filter that adds frequencies to support our vital organs.



Pay attention or pay cash! Relieve the pain Incredible pain relief technology
Mike Eldred

237 Posts
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Re: Fibrofog
8/31/2006 9:32:34 PM

Hi Donna,

      Katheryn, That is the big SECRET with LOTs of things even quitting smokeing. Detoxifieing your body system from the cellular level. The links I posted last, might be of interest to you.. How this product is prepared and the vitamins and minerals that is within it makes for life sustaining formula. This has the only tests that extended life of animals by doubleing even tripleing life exspectanceies of animals. ITS in the testamonies and info links...

Please Take A Look.. under Nutrition.

I truelly hope to to tell everyone I meet about this..

The total time working out ways your time with family.