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Gospel Synopsis
8/28/2006 6:58:41 PM
Hello my friends, Our friend John Is going to lead todays message,feel free to submit your stories or articles and I will forward them.Thank you John, your A godsent. Kathy/ John is our Adlandpro Friend and brother in Christ Gospel Synopsis by John Cain Connally August 28, 2006 What is the Bible about and what does God want us to know? The Bible is about The Creator. The Creator created all that is, and he created it from what is not seen. When he created it, apparently is not important, because he simply had it said that it was in the beginning. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Bible is about God’s special creation, man. Man is special because he is created in God’s image. He created man and gave him dominion and authority over the earth. He told man to multiply upon the earth, to replenish the earth, to rule over the earth. He gave man a beautiful help meet and called them male and female. God put them in a beautiful garden that he had prepared for them, the Garden of Eden. Adam was made from the dust of the earth and Eve was made from his rib. I believe Adam was the color of dirt and I believe Eve was the color of his rib, making them the first interracial couple on the earth. God told them they could eat of everything but one. The one that he told them not to eat of seemed to have had the greatest attraction. The deceiver persuaded Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and Eve persuaded Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit. Thus began man’s desperate and lonely walk away from God. From that point sin came upon all mankind. He fell from being God’s most esteemed creation to the pitiful state of degradation that man is still falling to and groveling in, this very day. From that point the seed of abortion, murder, hatred, racism, and every abominable sin that man commits was sown into humanity. And God had said that the day that you eat thereof, you shall surely die. Man, who was created a spiritual person with soul and a fleshly body, became a soulish person, spiritually dead. And the fleshly body designed to live forever began to age and wrinkle and eventually die. But God knowing the end from the beginning, had as usual, already made provision. He provided everything we would ever need before he created Adam. The Bible says Jesus Christ was slain from the beginning of the world, before man was ever created. Around two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came and fulfilled that duty, that obligation, that ordainment. He was slain in the flesh.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Talmadge

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Re: Gospel Synopsis
8/28/2006 7:50:12 PM
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father
but by me" The Christ
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last"
This means "The last person to enter heaven please
close the door"
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of Barb Doyle

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Re: Gospel Synopsis
8/28/2006 7:56:24 PM

Hi Kathy and John,

Thank you for the message. It is so awesome to know that no matter what we do we can be forgiven because of God's love and mercy for us.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

This could be the answer to your prayers.



Flag of Thomas Richmond

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Re: Gospel Synopsis
8/28/2006 8:24:54 PM
Thank you for that beginning of how creation of man began up to Jesus being slain. There is alot left out in between which is the meat of the bible to understand why Jesus died for are sins on that cross on that friday. My name is Thomas Richmond and i would like to go into this further if you like? Maybe i can get back to this and state my position in being Baptized in His spirit and how to know Him like i do? as a Disciple of Jesus of the International Church's of Christ i would be happy to go into this further and more specific in what God wants from us besides your normal be nice to everybody script. I want to thank Kathy for making her desitions on exepting or not exepting these typs of forums, i think she is very intuitive of things like this, which makes me comfortable to say things to her the way i do. Down to earth person she is. But getting back to the story of what God wants, i have a so many truths for you but its up to you if your willing to listen word for word that the Holy Bible is the living breathing word of God and his Holy Son Jesus.
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Re: Gospel Synopsis
8/28/2006 8:33:12 PM


Interesting account of how one person views what it shared in the Bible.

What one finds within the pages of the Bible are both wisdom, history, truth and an obvious directive toward an abundant and prosperous life, one that only a few have ever truly adhered to.

The story of creation is certainly a beautiful depiction of what we ourselves have been blessed with, that being our gift ( power) to create; that part of God in human kind. Reverse those two words and you get who we can be.

Kind Human.

Over time, we all " fall short of the glory ". I read that some where.:)  and subsequently we also fall away from acknowledging who we are, Spiritual beings having a human experience - not Human beings having a spiritual jouney.

We fail to see recognize what we were truly created to be. Good. Pure. Unable to do anything other than what is and has alway been our true potential as positve loving beings, capable of living in unity, possseing a charitable spirit and doing for others as we would have them do for us. It's also known as stewardship; caring for all creation and each other.

The book of Genesis ( The Begining ) and the story of Adam & Eve is more about being complient and not being disobedient to God's rules. To not follow His direction in how we can best live our lives will, as we all now understand, have one kicked out of the garden ( separated from His blessings ).

One needs to also understand what was noted over 35 years ago when it was shown that many biblical scholars, responcible for translating both the old and new testement, had placed their own personal notes along the margins of their translations. When those went to print ( and millions of Bibles were produced)  the side notes were also included along with the translation. Still it is within each of us to embrace what is required while in this life and how we should treat one another. Sad as it may sound, some actually believe that life in general will never get better; only worse. I can share with you now that this mind set is what will keep our world and " life in general " moving away from our blessings and greatest potential.

I still smile when I remember the words of a small child who explained the Bible as God's cook book.

" Just follow the recipe in God's cook book, " they said. " And your cake of life will come out rich and tastey, filled with all sorts of neat stuff ".

There is also another way one can proceed in life and use a combination of what Jesus the Christ shared, that being - you should attend to your day in such a way so as to not harm another person in mind, body or spirit. This is hard to accomplish do on a daily basis. I can attest to that. However, like any exercise, being dedicated to what will happen when you apply that to your life and in dealing with other human beings - being human -  is worth the effort.

" Love thy neigbor is the whole of the law "

Joe Buccheri

One of my favorite Bible verses now in a picture frame and displayed on the wall near my CD rack is this one....

 Proverbs 22 : 2           




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