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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Person Of The Week
8/26/2006 5:18:50 PM
Hello my friends, Here is some exciting links please sign up with them.Kathy Carl has asked us all to PLEASE promote the URL: Please lets all do our part as this is almost to a full boil and the memberships are pouring in awful fast now. By using this URL. Carl will be able to place all the members without downline and we will see faster results. Also, It has been getting real confusing with all the Team leaders. WE need to focus on advertisement and TEAM SPIRIT. This will be our Top Priority this weekend. So Please start today by Changing your signatures in your mails to: And then subscribing to the Teams Links that were created JUST for US. These Links have already generated over 2000 credits for promoting the Miracle. The Hits have been CrAzY!!! And I Love It!! Change the URL's in your Trafficane and Trafficswarm as well and any mail programs you are using. On to Victory Team!! Below is the Team Links again. Please use them to generate credits for your Team. They are Free to join. Have A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!!! TRAFFIC EXCHANGE LINKS REFERALS FOR OPFM has over 5000 new members a month from over 150 countries. OPFM can earn substantial credits and exposure here. I have started this out already with a paid membership. Please continue it. is not one of your simple traffic exchanges. They offer a promotional page and have one of the highest credit payouts. Please sign up here: 2 minute sign up here and one of the top 10 sites. Please sign up and blast OPFM!! is well known for high credits in referal links and a downline popularity. Please sign up below. is a user friendly site that anyone can operate and generate credits for our team. Sign up Below. has a anti cheat protection and is listed in the top 10 of traffic exchanges. They have a Fast delivery of sites. Sign up below for credits to OPFM. has more than just clicking to earn credits. They have daily contest and games as well. Is a FUN site to work and you probably won't want to leave. Sign up below for your Team Members. Is appropriate for this site with over 60,000 members. Top 10 rated exchange site. Great Customer service, Forum Post. (and a personal friend of mine). Please try this one...;-) Has a daily log on bonus. Earn Credits for your team just by Logging onto your member center. If you work a 100 click session, They will credit you another 500. Plus, They have game credits!! They keep you interested in them. Please use them for your OPFM Team Members!! TrafficSwarm is OPFM refered traffic exchange and also a very popular exchange on the net. If you already have traficswarm, Promote it. If not, sign up below: OK Team!!! Lets Win This One!!!!! Peace,,, Sharon
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Please
8/26/2006 5:26:20 PM
thanks for adding me
Flag of Jeffrey Obrien

Flag of 543 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Please
8/26/2006 9:52:43 PM

Hello Kathy,

      would you be so kind as to add this blog to your website .


thankyou ever so much Kathy,have an awesome weekend


regards alway's

jeffrey OBrien



Flag of Mike Eldred

Flag of 237 Posts
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Re: Please
8/27/2006 9:58:56 PM

Kathy hello, I also am listing this at these links: --People don't realize the potential in this one, their just not a surf residual -- your own sitewith a hook your urls are on other members sites,,potential lol residual there to. -- this one has well everything.

Lets get this snowball going down hill.. The more its listed the bigger we  (yes) we become I'm #63609.

everyone join and list it; 

We can't count on just our team leaders to push this ball to its avalanch edge and get it steam rolling we all got to do our part. The more its seen the better -greater our chances will be at bringing in more folks. The opportunity is here now. WE can and will make this happen. Stay on track get it listed and popular with search engines. submit it- include it- grow it.

WE need to focus on advertisement and TEAM SPIRIT!- kathys' words.         Jion these and add it along with all you urls'


The total time working out ways your time with family.
Flag of Mike Eldred

Flag of 237 Posts
Flag of Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Please
8/27/2006 10:03:35 PM

Kathy hello again!!!  today I found (the) directory of nearly or possably every spam free ways to advertise. am checking them all out..

We all can do a part every bit helps.....

The total time working out ways your time with family.

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