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Re: Traffic Cane Exchange!
8/26/2006 1:10:52 AM

I saw somewhere where you only need 2 enrolles who in turn get 2 enrolles and you will then be recieving an income of almost $12k a month?

Is that right?

How can they do this?


~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Traffic Cane Exchange!
8/26/2006 3:01:51 AM
Hello Marisa,
Ok Its corrected, sorry hope this one is good and the right one.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Trueman

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Re: Traffic Cane Exchange!
8/26/2006 7:49:43 AM

Now -- would you like to know how to use it to make
your business grow like wildfire? 

I am looking for serious people to work with! 

If I can put 5 or more in your downline within seven days of joining us,
would you be interested?    We will teach you to work with a  team using a

duplicatable system, if you answer is YES. Let me know when it is
convenient for you to join me in an on-line conference room.
If you have never used an on-line conference room, come on in and visit,
you will find it to be a great learning experience.

We have training everyday at 10PM EST. We will help you
set up your system and help you advertise and build your
downlines up.


This is Invitation only


Best Regards

Robert Trueman

Moneynsurf post your pages for FREE



Robert Trueman
Re: Traffic Cane Exchange!
8/26/2006 8:38:55 AM

The $7 will place you in the 2x15 matrix, and then as you build downline, you will graduate into the higher-paying 4x4 Speed Matrix which is $50-$200/month, but that will come out of your commissions so you won't even notice - except for the fact that you'll be getting huge commission checks!!!

Hope that helped!

p.s. Kathy - looks awesome! :)

Re: Traffic Cane Exchange!
8/26/2006 12:57:35 PM

It looks great, Kathy.

All the best,


Strangers are simply friends we haven’t met. If you aren’t a part of my circle of friends, please invite me.

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