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Re: Another Scam here
8/25/2006 1:35:14 PM

Hi Kathy,

This is a great posting.Keep it up.

I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
Flag of Robin McLean

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Re: Another Scam here
8/25/2006 2:20:24 PM
Hi, Kathy: Thanks for the tip, however, I've been hearing of scams of this nature, and similar, for the past 2 years or so (they're rampid out of Nigeria). I certainly hope that there still aren't persons falling for this crap! I mean really... the person doesn't have the means to escape a bad situation, but they have access to the internet, a yahoo account, and a computer. Not to mention using the Lord's name in such foolishness! (and, yes, worse has been done with religion as a shield), but that doesn't excuse this nonsense. I can only hope and pray that our AdlandPro family gets the word about these parasites who run so many scams that they take focus and trust from people on here who can really use the help. Great job bringing this to light. Miracles & Blessings, Robin
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Re: Another Scam here
8/25/2006 3:21:52 PM

Just to let everyone know.  Here is a message I got from an AdlandPro member.

Here is his link:

Here is his message:
FROM: Dr Mohammed

I am Dr Mohammed Ali U, the Director of Delivery/Operations in a
security company here in Benin Republic in Africa. Our firm is a security company of high repute with years of outstanding service to the people of Africa especially top government officials and military leaders here in Africa. I have
resolved to contact you through this medium based on business proposal that will be of mutual benefit to both of us. I have not discussed this transaction
with anybody because it is of top secret. To be explicit and straight to the point, Sometime late 1999, a reputable client of ours deposited a consignment in our company's vault for safe keeping. And since then our client has failed to come forward to claim his consignment which has accumulated a considerable amount of money in demurrage. Consequently, in our bid to contact this client to redeem
the demurrage which his consignment had accumulated we discovered that our
client was MR MORRIS THOMPSON a prominent businessman in the United
States of America and a major foreign contractor to  African government,
who died in a plane crash early 2000.You can view the websits below for
more information.
More details about the deceased himself, you can check on
Since the death of our client MR MORRIS THOMPSON, none of his  benefactors  has come forward to claim the consignment with us, which means that none of his relatives or aids had any knowledge of this consignment.  Hence out of curiosity I secretly scanned the box that our client deposited in our vault. And to my surprise I discovered that the metal box that were registered as treasures by our client actually contained a considerable amount of money in United States Dollars estimated to be over US$300million US Dollar. Since this development I have been nursing plans secretly to solicit for a foreign partner who will stand as the beneficiary of the deposit in our company’s custody. I now request your noble assistance in retrieving the consignment funds from the security company for onward transfer of the funds out of  Africa to your country for immediate investment under your trustee. I have also decided that you will generously be entitled to 25% of the total and i will allow you 10% for any form of expenses
amount. Upon my receipt of your reply confirming your willingness to
assist me with this transaction, I will immediately arrange and transfer all
the rights of ownership of this consignment to your name to facilitate your
easy clearance and transfer of the complete funds to your country for
onwards investment. This transaction is 100% risk free. Please maintain
absolute confidentiality on this matter. If interested, furnish me with your
contact telephone number to enable us speak further on this transaction.
I await your most prompt response.Yours faithfully.
Dr Mohammed.

God Bless You, Mahlon Grube I help people in MLM Succeed.
Re: Another Scam here
8/25/2006 6:17:32 PM

SOOOO MANY scams today.... and isn't that SAD....  I got that email TWICE....

THANK GOD there are legitimate businesses out here too, or I'd still be working 12-14 hour Charge Nurse shifts and Tim would be active duty military ....


Have a BLESSED weekend guys!!


Tim and Linda/CMAS, BS, RN

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Re: Another Scam here
8/25/2006 6:42:22 PM
Thanks everyone, its good to know we have so many people watching out for each other.Thanks,kathy/ (mosgoogle)
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