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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: goodbye
8/24/2006 6:35:35 PM
Hello Gene, Yes It is hard times for many, maybe God just needs you in other ares right now, he will guide you and provide for you ,just pray he will be there for you,You will be missed ,let us know how your doing,my email is simikathy> keep in touch,kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: goodbye
8/24/2006 6:53:51 PM

My Dear Friend....!

Sorry to know that you are leaving....and if you wish to come, are most welcome.. we all are there with you.

You may reach me on :

We will be missing you a lot....!

May God bless you and let all your dreams come true....!

Friendly Yours....always,

Mohamed Gani.



Cheryl Baxter

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Re: goodbye
8/24/2006 6:55:19 PM


I am sorry to see you go....& you will be in our hearts.  I wish you the best!  Sometimes you have to make a decision that is best for yourself.  I will miss seeing you around.  Feel free to drop in now and then and let us know how you are doing. 

Take care,

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Tanya V.

683 Posts
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Re: goodbye
8/24/2006 7:06:20 PM

Bye Gene.

I wish you the best of success in whatever you do!

Herb Gruenewald

319 Posts
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Re: goodbye
8/24/2006 7:21:05 PM
Hi Gene, Shutting down your websites doesn't mean you have to leave the "community" and the friendships you've developed. The AdlandPro Community is still available to you as a free member. There is alot here for you to enjoy! If money is the problem you can signup for the $7 Miracle Matrix that Carl Haavaldsen and over 700 AdlandPro members have joined. This has really taken off, as you would see if you follow any of Carl's or Mike King's forums. We are placing the two needed members in your downline and two in each of your downline's downline, and so on and so on. Get the picture? The two members $7 in your downline pays your $7 dues for you and it goes on and upwords from there providing you with a permanent monthly income. If you were getting a momthly income for a measley $7 investment to start you off, would want to stop this? The answer is NO, and that would be the answer of anyone else and thats in this program. That is why this program will continue to grow to give you an income month after month, year after year! If the original $7 is a problem let me know and I will put it up for you. My email address is: All the best to you my friend, Herb G