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The fern and the bamboo
8/22/2006 5:38:58 PM
The fern and the bamboo. One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me... "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied. "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." He said, "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit." He said, "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others." He said, "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high." "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return. "As high as it can?" I questioned "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. He will never give up on you. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness; bad days give you experiences; both are essential to life. With Love, Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: The fern and the bamboo
8/22/2006 5:54:19 PM

Kathy... I am very busy with a full time job and also working my business from home part time and I was not going to view your post today, but something made me click on the link in my email..

Kathy.. I would like to thank you for I am going through a diffficult time and have been for about 4 years now.. I am very close to quitting my job..very, very close...I ask God each and every day to give me the strength I need to go there and deal with the situation without quitting...but I do not know how much longer I can last.. I am like the bamboo and with God's help I will rise just as the bamboo.. I thank you for your post and may God Bless you.

Joe Mina

Joseph Mina Independent Business Owner
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Re: The fern and the bamboo
8/22/2006 6:01:00 PM
Kathy, that was fantastic! I really enjoyed the story and now know that I am the bamboo! Thank you so much - God Bless!
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Re: The fern and the bamboo
8/22/2006 6:03:14 PM
Hello Joe, You wanna hear something funny??? You see I usually post all my things in the morning but today I was doing other things and I just posted this story, so It was apparently meant for you to reade it at that very moment and I am glad you did.I am always here any time you need me for any thing, to talk to to share thoughts ask advise any thing I am your servant.Im simikathy1 on yahoo lets connect.Ill be gone for afew hours with my daughters but ill be back later.Love to you Joe,Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: The fern and the bamboo
8/22/2006 6:05:34 PM
Hello Nick, You are more then a Bomboo my friend you are so special you dont even relize just how special you are.Love to you,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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