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10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
8/21/2006 5:50:42 AM
THIS IS A PASTED AND COPIED ARTICLE Today's feature article is: 10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer Visit our sponsor: ------------------------------------------------------- Follow The 3 Easy Steps Listed Below And I Will Personally Build A M.oney Making Website Just For You That's 100% Ready To Take Orders And Pull In Massive Residual P.rofits — Join Now And You Can Start Raking In Cash Within 24 Hours... G.uaranteed! S.tart Now: ------------------------------------------------------- The more time people spend at your web site, the more time you'll have to persuade them to your product or service. Below are ten powerful ways to keep visitors at your web site longer. 1. Provide your web site visitors with content they can't read anywhere else. People will stay longer at your web site to read the original content. 2. Remind your web site visitors they can print out your content. They may browse around your online store while it's printing. 3. O.ffer your web site visitors a freebie if they take the time to fill out your online survey. They'll be at the site longer and might something afterwards. 4. O.ffer your visitors f.ree software that they can download right from your web site. While they are waiting they might read your ad. 5. Provide a huge online directory of information that your visitors could search. The directory must contain information your visitors would want. 6. Make sure all your web pages load fast or your visitors will leave fast. Time is precious; they won't waste it waiting for your site to load. 7. Tell your visitors what's offered at your web site at the very beginning. If people are confused about what's being offered they may leave too early. 8. Publish your web site professionally. People will get turned off and leave if they see a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. 9. Make your site text easy to read. Most people won't strain their eyes trying to read text that is too small, light or bright. 10. Use headlines and sub headlines all over your your web site that will grab visitors attention. It will attract them to explore your web site longer. Quote of the Day: "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." -- Proverbs 4:7 Warm regards, Jorge Sanchez
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Flag of Angela Cardwell

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Re: 10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
8/21/2006 8:01:40 AM

Hi Kathy,

Those are some great tips. The presentation of a website is the biggest factor in holding on to a prospect long enough for them to find out if they are interested in your product.

Good luck,

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Flag of Bob Sims

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Re: 10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
8/21/2006 9:57:29 AM

Thanks Kathy !

I will add these to my "Things To Know List"

I didn't say "Things To Do List"....that has become the Dead Sea Schrolls....:-)


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Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: 10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
8/21/2006 10:41:34 AM
I believe the originators and designers of - do as your post suggests.  The purpose to extend the time viewing a site  should be to place an order, request information or submit a subscription, similiar to stopping by a booth at a country fair.
It 's also important that the content have credibility. The products Amsoil presents have the credibility that have established the corporation as the leader in the automotive lubricant industry.  

Re: 10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
8/21/2006 11:10:42 AM
I will definitely follow these great ideas.

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