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Dennis Clairmont

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8/27/2006 1:35:41 PM
Hello Linda I made it finaly.Yes this has been one hell of a ride.I've been blamed bached and dragged through the mud on this one.I pleaded and begged her to pay the Lucky7Daily Members.Responce was (F--K The members) I have done all i could to help but to no avale.Chanda has been my friend for 3 years and i trusted her as a smart honest marketer.As it stands now Lucky7Daily is another non paying autosurf.I had no control of the site the investments or management of Lucky7Daily.As the yahoo grupy mod i accepted new members comming into the group.When i seen L7d going south i posted in the group to the members not to invest any more moneys in L7D till the onver made payments and got back on track.Also i sent emails to my downline.Thanks for the forum this is my best time to post.I could not jump the gun till we were sure payments were not going to be made. Dennis
I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Jo Matthias

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8/27/2006 3:30:23 PM

Hello Linda and Dennis,

It is a shame that you, Dennis, have been dragged through the mud on this endeavor.  It is clearly not your fault.  Terrible situation for you though, because you trusted this person, and for several years.  No one knows if and when we will be discarded for the almighty buck.

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Dennis Clairmont

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8/27/2006 5:51:00 PM
Hello Jo Thanks for understanding my side of this whole feasco.Many Many times i asked her to address the members questions.Nothing was done.I could not answer and questions if i myself didn't have access to the site files.To answer a question you must have access to either the website files and fix the problem or have someone fixing it and telling you that things were fixed.Im the end we had very little contact with the owner/opperator and we we ended up left in the dark just like everyone else.Then in the last stages an email fron the L7D admin/owner saying that there were script errors that was BS.Pure BS i knew better and was only a cover up.The money was but in a fortex account in her name.The almighty buck yep.We all have been passed off for the many bucks that L7D members invested.This money makes a nice nestegg in a fortex account.I hope she looses every dime of it.What pis-es me off is the people that trusted me and joined L7D and lost money.For that i will have no respect or dealings with Chanda Reaves.I did everything in my power to have her come clean with all this she didn't want to talk about it.She blamed me because L7D failed in a yahoo message.I just didn't know where that came from i built a good downline found investors for her.How could it be my fault L7D failed.Then i get it from the other end some members blamed me to the point that i got sick of hearing it.That's why i did up the forum to clear the air.In this and my forum Chanda can post to protect herself if she likes but bottom line is she knows i know what went down.There is no way to cover up non payment to her members for months is there.A select few got paid i was not one of them they got there investment back so matbe there was a little guilty conchance at work there i hope i bet it's getting worse all the time. Dennis
I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Larry Blethen

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8/28/2006 5:17:33 AM

hello Linda

I have lost money on autosurfs so I say away from them...


Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Pat Mathis

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8/28/2006 11:14:56 AM

Hi Linda,

Thanks for the tip. But, I've lost enough money on the internet.  I've learned some valuable lessons this past year.

Your friend.....Pat



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