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Lisa Westberry

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Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!!!
8/19/2006 11:50:20 AM

Hello John and Team,


What a wonderful addition to the family of Feature Forums.

Way to Go!!!

Congratulations to Everyone!!!

Enjoy your Honor!!!

Very Deserving Group of People!!!


Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!!!
8/19/2006 11:57:10 AM

Hi Bonita and Carla (our Forum Teammate and friend)!  :-)


@ Bonita: Thank you for congratulating the Winners of our first Awards presentation. Please come back to the future forums. Take care!  :-)

@ Carla: There you are! We already work together at WOSAT but it will be nice to work with you in this new and exciting forum. Your contributions will be much appreciated. Have a great day!  ;-)


John Sanchez

My Blogs

Goodwill Ambassador

WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!!!
8/19/2006 12:04:49 PM

Lisa, Lisa!  :-)


Hmmmmmmm! I think I saw some trophies somewhere around here with your name on them. Let me see... Oh here's one for... and here's another one for...

I guess will just have to wait and see what for.

Come back and see!  ;-)


John Sanchez

My Blogs

Goodwill Ambassador

WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

Mike King

29 Posts
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Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!!!
8/19/2006 12:11:44 PM

Hi John,

   First of all I want to send out a huge congratulations to each and every deserving member of Adland whom you have chosen to honor with your New Teams Awards, I have had the great privilege of being friends with all of these people since coming to Adland and feel that they are all truly deserving of this honor.

   Secondly I need to make a special point of congratulating the wonderfully talented Ms. Juliana Bond whom has worked night and day to help our Organization UVACA which I am proud to be the CEO and Founder of, this as you all know is an Organization that is dear to my heart and that I am so very proud to see the number of members of this wonderful Community of Adland come together and provide their support to myself and all of our members, a membership that has continued to grow since the first day that I came to Adland back on November 7 of 2005.  There are a number of truly amazing people that I have come to meet here and have great respect for.

   Third, I want to thank you John and your entire TEAM for putting together this wonderful set of Awards that has given Juliana and the rest of Adlands members the opportunity to be recognized as the heroes of our Community that they all are.  I have been fortunate to have been surrounded and supported by such a great group of people since coming here.  You truly deserve an award for being the wonderful Community Ambassador and Leader that you are and I hope that everyone recognizes all of the time and commitment that you are so caring to have given to all of us.

    Finally I wish to simply say that I have never been so touched by anything in my life as to see the wonderful surprise which Juliana and her group have put together to help me give UVACA a proper launching here at Adland so that I can truly concentrate on helping to help our Children Globally and to provide updates and reports on all that our TEAM has to offer in this fight to end Child Abuse. 

    I will be beginning next week with a Forum here at Adland to introduce all of our wonderful members to our Organization and to publicly thank each and every member of Adland that has helped to make my dream come true.  You see I came to this community with one Goal and one Goal only and that was to launch a Non-Profit Organization which would protect our worlds greatest resource our children.  This has come true now and I am deeply thankful for all of you that have made it a reality.


Your Buddy,

Mike King
aka The Goofy Newfy.
The $7 Miracle Matrix.

PS. Before I end off I would like to take a moment off topic to thank my newest friend Carl Haalvadsen whom has started a Club for all members of Adland to help them to start out with a very small investment of just $7 and turn that into a monthly residual income that will see all members of this wonderful Community be able to benefit from coming together and earning profit as a true and deserving Family of Internet Marketers.  Anyone wishing to gain more information about this may contact me here at Adland.

Mike King Social Networking Success Coach.
Rose Enderud

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Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!!!
8/19/2006 12:36:37 PM
Hello John,
Awsome new awards forum.
It is great to see friends recognized for thier efforts.