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8/17/2006 2:17:29 AM
Hello, OUR FRIEND WOULD LIKE YOU TO READ HIS FIRST FORUM.KATHY/SIMIKATHY.COM Offering my assistance.... Posted: 08-16-06 11:40 PM Dear Friends, Welcome to the first posting of my first forum. I’ve created this forum to allow me to extend an invitation to all AdlandPro members. Below I’ve set out details of a “project” which I would love to launch, to help as many members of this great community as possible to become more successful than ever, whilst supporting an extremely commendable cause for a good friend of mine. At this stage, I’m testing the water to see if there are enough members interested in helping me to make it work, so, PLEASE, read this through and then let me know! Note that I am choosing my words very carefully here. I am asking you to “help” me, not “join” me. This is a “project”, not a “program”. In other words, it is not anything to do with any kind of affiliate program, or networking in the traditional sense. Allow me to explain in a little more detail, at the risk of boring the pants off you! For reasons many and various, I don’t generally get involved in affiliate programs. Nothing wrong with them, it’s just that I earn my money in other ways. Two other ways, to be precise. First, I create my own products (I just finished my latest e-Book this very morning!) and sell them on the net. Second, I make quite reasonable money with Google adsense, and this is where my “project” comes into play. I want to pull together as big a group of people as I can, to train them to do what I do, make money with adsense, and I would like to invite as many AdlandPro members as I can to be part of this group. I will take this group “by the hand”, so to speak, and walk everyone step by step through the whole process of setting up the adsense business and then making money from it. It’s not difficult to do, and I personally guarantee that it will cost you nothing, absolutely nothing to set this up. Just some of your time to do your research, to create and publish a site and help promote the efforts of the group. You do not have to have any kind of experience or expertise to make this work, and I am more than happy to give you everything that you need, or show you where to find it, to make this project a success. No lists, downlines or special programs are necessary. And the more people that get involved in this group, the more successful each individual member will be, by which I mean, the more money each individual will make. So, please invite anyone and everyone you know to join us in this project. The REAL power of this project will be in the group! Please understand that you will not become an overnight millionaire from adsense – it just doesn’t work that way. On the other hand, there are people that I have met who have shown me proof that they earn in excess of $10,000 a month, purely from the adsense program. I am not conceited enough to suggest for one minute that my “training” will enable you to achieve these levels of income, but, the truth is that some people (sadly, not me as yet) do receive this kind of money from Google every month. What do I get out of this? A huge ego boost, for one thing! Secondly, (and more seriously) my only request will be that every group member shows two “buttons” on their site. One will be for a good friend of mine Dr.Mani, who runs a site concerned with children born with Congenital Heart Disease. The other button will be directed to my site (which I haven’t actually created as yet) so I will get some advertising. Third, I will be a member of the group, obviously, and will therefore benefit from the grouping effect also. Fourth, if it all works out, I will probably publish the course as a “beginners guide to making money with adsense” at some point I the future. You are my “guinea pigs”! That, in a nutshell, is the plan. Whilst I make absolutely no claims to be an adsense “guru” or expert, I am pretty good at making adsense work, and I know that everyone who gets involved in this project can make reasonable money also, with no financial outlay whatsoever. So, you can say that it will be “my gift” to the community. I need to know what people think. Is it something that you are willing to try, or not? Please let me know what you think, either in this forum or by sending me a message. And, as I mentioned, the more people that join this group, the more money everyone can hope to earn, so please do not hesitate to invite as many people as you can to join us. In the meantime, now that writing my latest tome is finally out of the way, I’ll get my adsense thinking cap on! Steve Cowan Wishing you everything you wish for yourself,
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
8/17/2006 3:08:18 AM

Sounds interesting. I'm so new at this whole thing that there are days I feel totally lost. I've never done a forum and this is only my second forum response. So as you can see, I'm a real newbie.
Dennis L. Page
Flag of David Johnson

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8/17/2006 3:13:24 PM

Hello Steve,

I must say it is not clear what you are attempting to teach me about AdSense. Unfortunately, I have had so many bad experiences, that if something is not quite clear, I generally stay away from it.

Perhaps you could outline what you will be teaching members at Adland to do with regards to AdSense.

When your objectives are clear, I would be willing to learn how to make AdSense work for me.

Posted by David Johnson
An Advocacy Voice For A Wider Circle Of Wealth
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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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8/17/2006 4:28:38 PM
Hello Gentlemen, Go to the link here and it will be explained to you,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Leslie Combs

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8/17/2006 6:20:49 PM


I just read Steve's forum and I think it is a great idea.


Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,

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