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Angela Cardwell

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Re: Post of Content
8/15/2006 7:15:31 AM

Wow! Anna! You have been busy as a bee. LOL   The contents look great. Do you ever sleep? lol

Good luck,

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Post of Content
8/15/2006 7:59:31 AM
Hello Ana Maria,

Thank you for the invitations to your collection of work.
This is perfect. It is what I am dreaming to do with my topic,s but I have much to write befor I can do this.

I congratulate you for this. As Deborah said now I can go to my favorite posts easy and find everything without searching here and ther.

Keep this nice work ON.

Warm Regards

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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Post of Content
8/15/2006 8:47:13 AM
Hi Nick :-)

That's right, I'm always busy, busy! LOL
Even now, I only have a few minutes and I have to run.
I would love to have some more to spend here online with you!
That is why I'm doing my best to share some valueable things with you!

YOur friend,

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Post of Content
8/15/2006 8:49:32 AM
Hello my dear Sarka!

I'm so gald to see you again.
Hope you're better.

I was on my point to send you a private mail to see where you are!

Wish you the best!
Your friend,
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Post of Content
8/15/2006 8:51:45 AM
Hello Donna,

I very much hope you would use this more easy than to search all the pages down!

YOur friend,