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Re: Hackers do not knock
8/13/2006 3:34:05 PM
Hello , You know with all the new technology and all the war crimes and terrorists my program eliminates all of it.There are very high tech genius out there trying to break every code there is, but like our system is the ones where huge corporations use this its really designed for the big boys but because of the high demand of hackers we are bringing it to you.This is revolutionary, yes the free ones are good but they do not cover everything.thanks,kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of The Drummerboy

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Re: Hackers do not knock
8/13/2006 10:38:08 PM

I have a friend who is a programmer......and I have seen first hand how easy it is to get past ANY......and I mean ANY firewall.

The only thing that consumers are truly protected from is the 15 year old kid in the Chicago suburbs lookin to see what he can get away with.  Whether it is free or not.....your protection is limited.

Most of the free programs are merely limited versions of the paid-expanded the fact that they are free doesn't negate their effectiveness to seek out the nastys on your pc.  They are just limited.....

I wish that your pc software could eliminate all those terrosists Kathy!  Maybe then Bush would bring our boys home.


~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Hackers do not knock
8/14/2006 3:43:05 AM
Hello Brian, Well that sounds like maybe my next task on the net huh???Ill hasve to investigate this one,Thanks for the great idea,you never know!!!!!kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Hackers do not knock
8/14/2006 5:05:11 AM

Hi everybody after having much success with automatic builder my good partner Jake & Todd owners of www.autosurfauthority they receive 500,000 hits a week from investors. Both of these guys are major players and are on my team downline. They shoot weekly news casts and promote surf programs and recently some multi level marketing opportunities.

The program Kathy speaks of is going to be huge, first let me tell you more about this hot opportunitys the amount of protection we constantly seek for protecting our pc seems to be a endless battle fighting cyber crime on the internet as more and more victoms are being hurt and businesse's as well.

The company myinvisusdirect is now allowing average users to be protected, the same high quality protection major corporations rely on for security as they have entrusted them and Im sure this speaks for itself on average pc users. It literally is the next generation for protecting your pc many users are throwing away Norton and others.

Lets talk about the business opportunity involved here, Jake and Todd receive 500,000 hits a week from investors with their news casts from They have a forum exclusively for this opportunity and plan to promote it each week. This is going to be so huge the CEO from the company is flying to Jake's house in Sept. I am under Jake personally and kathy is under me and heres what it means for those who do join. Jake and Todd have agreed to help us all grow our downline, I know this to be true after witnessing +200 reps on my team within a few months after he started his promotion with Automatic builder. Todd has said exlcusively this is a ground floor opportunity meaning you guys will become early birds as the power of ASA that being autosurfauthority will help us grow..

I wanted you guys to know that my primary business is Automatic builder, but I see opportunity for securing my automatic builder volume and getting in this new business of theirs as I see strong potential in this. You guys should goto they speak about surf programs and are now gearing towards longterm MLM's with me being their main success coach upline with Automatic builder. I love this software guys unlike norton, this software found at least 400-500 things on my pc and I had a program installed on my pc with somebody spying on my desktop for information.

Thanks to this software its now off for good what I love about this business its not to expensive to use on a monthly basics when considering we have to buy protection for our pc anyways at least this way we can make money in the process and use the same software major corporations rely on. I have heard we are the only network marketing company that has what we do which spells big opportunity and with the power of ASA,Kathy and I there really is no limit to how big this can grow.

Rather you join Automatic builder or invisusdirect we have a team thats dedicated for helping you succeed in your endeavors.

Remember guys Jake and Todd have agreed to help grow our downlines helping us get 5 confirmed if you look at the Automaticbuilder forum all of these folks are under Todd/Jake which all are under me we know how to make success happen thats why we are ranked #1 as the fastest growing team.Im merely relying a message for those who seek honest opportunities and want to form powerful partnerships. Jake,Todd,Kathy and I are working as a great team on this heres to our much continued success in our endeavors my friends.

Again, Im under Jake and Kathy is under me. Ill say it once more the CEO is flying down to Jakes house this Sept to shoot off a news video broadcast.

Do you know how powerful this is? If your in you will reep the benefits.Thats the only reason I joined and I know Todd & Jake like to bust scammers they shoot weekly news cast videos to help the public pointing out surf programs and now gearing towards mlm. Their goal has always been to help the people and pointing out the good and bad. Im proud to say they are among my strong team downline. Sorry for sounding repeating take care friends.

Kathy's link


Re: Hackers do not knock
8/14/2006 5:14:05 AM


If the links dont work you can copy and paste the url links to watch sorry folks if the link isnt clickable still new and learning adlandpro :)



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