Hello Bogdan,
thankyou for inviting me and I agree fully.Inspiration is a great feeling when put into PLAY,"Life" has alway's got something installed for us all everyday it's a different but alway's exciting adventures.
I was also going to mention that I remember these words said to me by my dear late father my best mate and will keep inspiring me everyday/night as if he were right there next to my ear reminding me of what to do.
Bogdan, Very inspiring words,from a very inspiring man.MY DAD he was very much like WC because he was from the same "OLD SCHOOL" stock being just the way it was back then,now we are all too fast alway's in a hurry and we all need to slow down a bit and live our lives the way we were mean't to live them.
Winston Churchill was/is an inspiration to a lot of people. He truly was the man amongst men.
Well said my friend Gary have an awesome day Bogdan and everyone .
jeffrey OBrien