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Re: Thought for the day
8/11/2006 2:07:26 PM

My Beloved and Respected Friend Kathy....!

I enjoy all your posts and are very "inspirational".

Sometimes, I am not able to join your all the Forums and share my "Humble View".  I hope that you will not mistake me and bear with me.

I love you and always be your true friend...."because, you are one of the main "inspitational" force behind everyone in our Community".

Thanking you, for giving me this opportunity to share my view.

Thanking you, once again.

May God bless you with all "His Riches" (Amen).....!

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers............!

Your Ever Loving Friend,

Your Bad Boy.....(LOL),

Mohamed Gani.


Re: Thought for the day
8/12/2006 11:25:46 AM
Wonderfull thought. I always love to see what you write.
Re: Thought for the day
8/14/2006 6:58:48 AM

Hi Kathy

Thanks for sharing these thoughts with us.

You make a great difference in the lives of others.

God Bless Elizabeth G

EA Gough

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