FREE Exciting Unblockable Advertising Machine On Steroids!
Do you need ad exposure all the time
on a hi traffic network?
Hi Traffic Ads is designed to give you 2 things.
1) A way to get your ads seen
2) A way to earn commissions from
the site.
Take a look at this new site. There is nothing
quite like it on the net.
Your ad rotates throughout the whole system
and, it sits there, in the corner of the site
until a viewer actually takes action to close it.
And the ad cannot be closed by the ordinary
method of closing an X in the upper right
hand corner.
Take a look...
In order to close the ad on the front page
you need to go to the bottom of the two ads
showing to where it says "close"
Click on the close-see what happens.
5 more ad lines appear to attract your
attention. Pretty nifty , huh?
Those are members ads and not
only do they get exposure on the page
but they get exposure on the "close" exit
as well.
There is nothing like this on the net and
it is a great addition to email ads.
There are several ways to join
Hi Traffic ads
Free, Silver, Gold and Platinum
As a free Member you get 250
credits (250 small ad views)
per month.
One Time Special Offer.
Silver, Gold and Platinum
memberships are all annual
However, the next 242 people who
sign up as a platimum life time member
will get charged one time and one time
only and your membership will be for
45 of these life time memberships
disappaered last night so you need
to act on this now.
You can read what each of the membership
gets right on the site.
Only paid memberships get the large
ads and you get a different allocation
of credits or impressions for the vaious
membership levels so take a careful
look and see what membership level
will benefit you the most.
You can add your affiliate link in the
members area of FAD and TAD
And ...Yes of course you can earn commissions
Sign up today and get the word out that
there is a new and very unique advertising
site on the net and earn yourself some
dough today.
We can provide you with the advertising
We can provide you with the help you
need but...
only you can take the actions you need to
make the money on the net you are
working so hard to do.
Join today
and get your ad up.
Yours In Great Success & Prosperity!
Free-Ad Depot(FAD)
Target Ads Depot(TAD)