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is simplicity the answer?
8/5/2006 4:10:46 PM
Stress: is simplicity the answer? by Amy Scholten, MPH Back to Stress Center Is your life more or less complicated than it was ten years ago? How about 20 years ago? More and more people are finding that, in spite of technology and other modern conveniences, they have less time, get less sleep, and are more stressed than they were a decade ago. The reasons for this are, well, not so simple, but relate to a number of factors. Today's sources of complexity * Too many options. When making a purchase, whether it's food, health and beauty products, cars, or computers, we confront an expanding array of brands, flavors, and options. Similarly, we also have more options in terms of careers and lifestyles, and this can make our lives busier and more complicated. Although choice can certainly be a good thing, it doesn't always make life simpler. Some people lose touch with their priorities when faced with too many options and distractions. * Technology. You have an urgent question to ask your health care provider and you reach an automated phone system instead of a person. Your new computer has a problem that no one in the office can fix and your work is put on "hold." Your new office phone has dozens of features, but you can't make sense of the complicated instruction manual. It's enough to make one question whether or not technology really makes life simpler. * Overconsumption. Mass production, mass marketing, and buying on credit has fueled a fervor of consumerism. People buy more than they need and end up burdened with clutter and debt. * Information overload. Exchanges of information used to take place primarily among the people in one's immediate environment through personal contact. Gradually, more information was exchanged through letters, publications, telephone, radio and television. Now we have rapid, world wide, mass communication through the Internet, email, and fax machines, as well as diverse and increasing numbers of publications, radio and television stations. More organizations tend to be created in response to increasing knowledge and information-along with more regulations and more bureaucracy. * Population density We went forth and multiplied. Now we wait in long lines, sit in traffic jams, and witness phenomenons such as "road rage." * Increased cost of living. Today it takes more money to live at the same standard of living as our parents did. Many women cannot afford to stay home with their children, and two-income families have become the norm. As a result, people are feeling strained by the lack of quality time and energy they can bring to their families and relationships. * Job uncertainty. Many businesses have gone through phases of "merging and purging." Most people don't expect to stay at the same job for decades, but many are working longer and harder than ever. * Mobility. Increasing choices, and job and lifestyle changes are leading people to move more frequently. Look at your address book. How many times in the last five, ten or 20 years have you crossed off the addresses of friends and family members? How many times have they crossed off yours? * Rapid change. Here today, gone tommorow-that seems to be the law of modern life. But unless we know how to manage it, rapid change can take its toll on physical and mental health, jobs, relationships, family life, and goals. What is simplicity? Making changes to simplify certain aspects of life can be the antidote to living in such a complex society. But simplification is a very individual matter-what's considered simple and stress-relieving to one person might be burdensome and stressful to another. For example, you may eat convenience foods because they save you time and energy. Your friend, on the other hand, may find convenience foods expensive and rather "inconvenient" for her family food budget. The most important part of the simplification process is introspection--taking an honest and in-depth look at yourself and your life and then identifying things that can be changed. Simple enough? Yes and no. That is, some changes can be relatively easy to make. You may decide to unclutter your house by throwing out items that you really don't need and scaling back on your consumption. On the other hand, you may find that you need a major overhaul to find a simpler life-a change of career or financial goals, a geographical relocation, or a change in perception through intensive psychotherapy. What makes the concept of simplication difficult for some people is that it implies that you must give up something. But many people derive invaluable benefits from simplifying their lives-more time, freedom, self-expression and a chance to live with more clarity and meaning. Simplification is a deeply personal endeavor and should be approached with the following things in mind: * Values/Priorities. What is most important to you? What would you have the hardest time living withou--your health, spouse, family, friends, time, creative projects? (This can be a tricky one. For example, you may say that you value money, but by looking deeper within yourself, you may find that what you really value is freedom, self-reliance, time, friends, or self-esteem, which you think money will buy for you). * Identity. Who are you? What talents, skills, activities and types of environments bring you the most enjoyment? Are you living authentically-speaking your truth and living according to your own values (values that you've examined and owned) or someone else's? * Time/Pace. How do you manage time and pace yourself? Is your natural pace 100 miles per hour or a bit slower and more reflective? Examine your current pace and your energy levels. If you're feeling exhausted or burned out, you may need to slow down, or at least change where you are focusing the majority of your energy. * Purpose. What do you most want to do with your life and are you doing that right now? How do you wish to direct your talents? Are you living purposefully? * Vision. What is your ideal lifestyle and environment? What would your life look like if you could design it exactly the way you wanted? You can't always "have it all," but think about how close you can get to that vision now, realistically. Ways to simplify your life The list of things you can do to simplify your life is probably endless. Big changes will require a good deal of thought and planning. But there are many small changes you can make to simplify your life right now, such as: * Buy a simple car-one that has less gadgets to fix. * Do your shopping all at once, and preferrably in the same place. * Reduce the clutter in your home and office. Throw out things that you don't use. * Buy classic clothes that don't go out of style. * Throw out your dry cleanables * Shop during off-hours. * Get a simple, low-maintenance hairstyle. * Downscale to a smaller home or less expensive car. * Find a way to turn your hobby into your primary source of income. * Make a conscious effort to reflect upon and appreciate the simple things in your life-those things that you may be taking for granted. Simplifying your life isn't always simple, but something as easy as getting more organized can be a big help. As some of the complexity decreases from your life, you may find greater clarity and peace of mind. Kathy/
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Re: is simplicity the answer?
8/5/2006 4:18:15 PM

HI Kate

Simplifying and Downsizing our gadgets, autos, computers and so forth is at times not in our BEST Interests. If I did, I would go into Full Speed Strees-Out Syndrome and possibly commit GadgetCide. Some things as noted above are ok to deal with, but others aren't. Some folks would have NO problem doing so, but in my case it would be a disaster.... What about you folks, what's in your Wallet.


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Re: is simplicity the answer?
8/5/2006 4:32:56 PM
The more complicated my life becomes,  The more I utilise my
talents to control them.

To me complicated is good because it keeps my mind challenged.

You have to attempt something beyond your limitations
to know how far your limits go.

If I fall down,
I get back up again
and I am stronger for it.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: is simplicity the answer?
8/5/2006 5:58:53 PM

Hi Kathy,

   Oh, for the simple life. I think that is a thing of the past. But your article gives us hope.

   Thank you, Kathy.

Yor Good Friend

Deborahmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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Flag of Tina Ranieri

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Re: is simplicity the answer?
8/6/2006 11:21:49 AM

Hello Kathy!

Yes, I believe simplicity is the answer!

1st thing, you have to care!  Nothing gets done right or otherwise if this number one is not in place!  If you truly care and are taking the time to do it right in the first place then everything that is unneccessary will fall away.

2nd thing, you have to care about your neighbor! Without it, how do you find patience for  your differences or find a middle ground for you to start with or to work from.

3rd thing, you have to care for a higher being in this universe.  Be it God,  Buddha or whom ever.  You must have faith, hope!

If you are doing these 3 things everyday, there is no time for all of the rest of the clutter. 

Have a great summer!

Tina Ranieri


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