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Re: Some of my artwork
8/3/2006 7:16:29 PM
Hello Susan,

Getting your images stored where you can use them requires some equipment. I used both a digital camera and a scanner.

When setting up your pictures for the digital camera they need to be as straight as possible. Upload your pictures from the camera to your computer. I used a numbering systerm for my Images R001, R002, etc. Then I have a notebook where they are named.

Once you have your images on your computer you can use the software that came with your camera or your scanner to trim and size you pictures. Excess needs to be trimmed from the photographs. My artwork varies from 5x7 to 18x20 but my images on the computer are only stored in two sizes. I experimented untill I found a size I liked for portrat(vertical) and landscape (horizontal) layouts. 

You can resize and decrease pixals here.

I played with it a little as it has been a long time since I went on line to do this and I had to find you a site. I went to 40% and did not see a change in picture quality.

Now, your pictures are the size you want. They are stored on your computer.
I use my web site to store my images on line. You really need some web space. Upload your pictures. When you get them on line, right click on a picture. Click on Properties. Copy the location of the picture.

In your post click on the Insert image button. It looks like mountains and the sun. A grey box pops up. Paste the address of you picture. Make sure you do not get two http://   as it is already there. Click O.K.

Your image should appear in your post.

This did not work for me in the setup for the forum.  I had to delete my original post and add a new thread after the forum was listed. The software in the forum setup seem to need to catch up to the rest of the new stuff.

This is great, being able to show my work. I hope this helps the rest of you.

Re: Some of my artwork
8/3/2006 10:04:12 PM

Very beautiful work.

I'm not much of a painter so I use the computer to create my art.

If you like to see them go to

or  here


Also a little tip if you want your art on the net, try high resolution pic's.

I know not easy to get an oil painting into the computer but with a good camera and fotoshop you could manage.

"Creativity is when you are not, because creativity is the fragrance of the creator."


Flag of Rose Enderud

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Re: Some of my artwork
8/3/2006 10:44:58 PM
Hello Pankaj,
Thank you for stopping by. and for the links and tips. I loved your work.
Everyone should follow your links and see for themselves.
Flag of Jenny SJ

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Re: Some of my artwork
8/4/2006 4:49:11 AM
Hi Rose,

Wow - I had no idea that you were an artist,  and less idea that you were a very good one!.  Your oils are amazing!  I wish I could see the originals!!  

I come from a family of non professional artists - my mother and my eldest son are quite exceptional at line drawing and watercolours and my eldest sculpts.   and my youngest has a sense of colour I would die for.  I am the odd one out - so I paint angel figures  - which dont need lines

Love Jenny
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Re: Some of my artwork
8/4/2006 8:58:48 PM

Hello Rose,

I came into this forum right after Brian but I just noticed my post isn't here ... mmmm .... sorry about that!!!

I loved you artwork ... it's beautiful .... you are truly very talented ...

Sadly I can't paint .... I design jewellery and make it ... which is kind of an art form ... it's certainly very creative and intricate ... other than that I am like Brian a lot of my creativity is thrown into my music ...

Keep it up ... a talent like yours should flow ... and be shown ....

Best wishes and kind regards to you



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