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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Person Of The Week
8/1/2006 4:38:42 PM
HELLO MY FRIENDS, HERE IS A WONDERFUL LETTER I WANTED TO SHARE WITH YOU,I RECIEVED IT FROM A MAN OF THE CLOTH SO TO SPEAK,A MAN WITH GREAT WISDOM AND INSITE.SHARE IN IT!!!!KATHY/SIMIKATHY Date: 8/1/2006 ME REFERRING TO THE DEVIL HATES ME BAD!!!! Remember, he wouldn't waste time with someone that was not a threat to him or his ways. You must be special! On a personal note: I believe we are truly in the VERY last days before Jesus comes to get his bride (all saved Believers). Satan is turning up the heat because his time is running out. Example: I drive without looking at passing vehicles so I do not have to count the small amount of I.Q.'s being displayed. God said to be thankful for these unexplainable trials as we will be rewarded for them. How do we know we are part of the Bride of Christ? We understand that Jesus was the son of God...God in the flesh We understand that he was our sacrifice (had to be in blood) for all of our sins that we have committed and will commit... We ask his forgiveness and for him to save us and be Lord of our lives... (this is a one time event...Jesus only died once for us. It was his sacrifice as he knew we could not make it own our on) God's Word says we must then confess that he is Lord...publically and follow in scriptural baptism (only a symbol of our death, buriel, and resurrection in Christ and not for salvation itself...Jesus did this as an example to us. Our names are then written in the Lambs Book of Life and we are immediately filled with the Holy Spirit...God's earnest seal for our eternity. Such a simple plan that most will miss for being dumb, too simple, or just plain mythology. The term "Christian" is used way too much by those whoa are not part of the Bride. This is one of Satan's deceptions. Make everyone feel good and tell them they are great, but never tell the the Gospel. My prayer is for you and your daughters: If you are part of the Bride, be bold and trust God If not, do not waste another precious second before doing so... Submitted to the beautiful Kathy M. in the love of my Lord Jesus Christ
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Person Of The Week
8/1/2006 4:44:22 PM
Hello my friend, thank you this was amazing I needed this today,You are always poping in my life just at that moment.I am very glad fore you and your counseling me.Yes I am very much part of the bride I totally trust in God,He is my savior,I boldly will share his love and word with everyone.I share my expereiences that he has done for me.Thanks again,keep the connection always with me.We are in the last days we need to stand together. much love to you,Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Talmadge

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8/1/2006 5:10:09 PM
Hi Kathy,

Thank you for posting this. I have had daily attacks by the demon who is
called "the spirit of the antichrist"

I have seen physical manifestation of this thing and have had strange events
Like a perfectly round hole in my pyrex coffiee cup, and the glass shard
was thrown at me with great force. I know this is hard to believe, I have
had several friends and family witness it also, so I know it is not just me.

Put on the whole armour of God to defend against it.

"Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world"
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Person Of The Week
8/1/2006 5:14:04 PM
Hello Robert, You have no idea how the devil hates me.I am so good at spreading the love of God to the world.Not just in this community I belong to at least 10 other communities,so I tell all my friends please beware share goodness with everyone.I wonder if I can get all my friends from all the communities to Rally against the devil here that is attacking us,HMMMTheres a plan,I will have to think about this one.THanks Im with you Robert on this one.How the devil moves mysteriously huh????Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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8/1/2006 6:23:00 PM
Kathy stop being so rough on yourself. If you have asked for forgiveness let it go. God Loves you. In order to stray from the devil you must trust God & I know you do.
The problem is that not all of us in here are saved & this is what makes a difference . Remember that o.k.

God Forgives you forgive yourself & move past it o.k. Girlfriend.

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