Hello friends,
I received this notice this morning from James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy (which has been made into a movie and is showing at select theatres now - http://www.CelestineProphecyMovie.com
Urgent! With the violence in the Middle East increasing, help us increase the amount of prayer going to that area.
Let's join together wherever we are with other World Prayer Project members as we connect inwardly with the spirit of the one God of Love.
In a visualization we actively hold in our minds, feel this energy of love filling us all and moving out to those who have been affected by this crisis.
Let us visualize that those who are responsible for these tensions and explosions, move into their best and highest wisdom, where they realize that the harming of innocents out of anger is never justified.
We ask that those who were harmed or who have had loved ones harmed are comforted in their time of crisis, and that the awareness of the world grow into a place where conflicts are actively resolved.
Prayer research indicates that the more of us that pray together, and the more consciously connected we are, the more effective the prayer. Join us in this World Prayer Project by participating in this effort and encouraging others to join us as well.
Also, for a more focused and consciously connected prayer and discussion, join us for another free phone conference on Tuesday, August 1, 2006.
This conference will focus on 1) joining together in ever greater numbers to consciously focus prayer on the Middle East; 2) build a connected spiritual awareness and synchronistic flow in our personal lives; and 3) create a greater sense of community and support by linking together.
Free Teleconference
Tuesday, August 1
8-9 pm EDT
PIN# 2230
The phone line will open at 7:55.
The conference is free, with each of us dialing in and paying for our own long-distance phone charges (less than $2 in most cases). Let us know if you plan to participate, and please pass the word on to your friends who might be interested in joining us.
James Redfield
Salle Merrill Redfield