Hello Tom! 8)
You've truly honored me and blessed me with your kind words.
The next Person of the Year will not be held until next January, but thank you for the kind gesture.
Many blessings to you my friend for the kindness you've shown me.
Take care! ;-)
John Sanchez
My Blogs
Goodwill Ambassador
WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.
If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
Hello Florence (another of Adland's Angels)! ;-)
I would be willing to bet money you'll be one of our POTW's sometime soon.
I'm looking forward to that day.
Hello Joe! 8)
And you're welcomed! No more like you're WELCOMED! lol :-)
Take care my friend! 8)
Hi Nan (my Sweet partner at the Newsletter)! :-)
Yes we did have a great Party the week of your POTW award.
Wear your title of POTW proudly you've earned it.
Bye Sweetie! ;-)