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7/31/2006 3:50:24 AM
Hello my friends, This is the 12th Business showcase.I have the distinct pleasure to introduce a very prominate man in this community. He is very admired by so many people here at this community. This man is very Involved in Peoples lives.This man is a succeess coach and a Mentor to many including myself and my team on Automaticbuilder. This man his name is Ronnie Branch.He will be on Bill Gates Magizine within the year.I am gonna help him get there as I will be in Forbes Magizine. Ronnie is there for every person he comes near.If you do not succeed Ronnie and his team step up and put you on track whereyou belong.Ronnie is an amazing Christian man and is dedicated to all his people on his teams in all his businesses. You know the saying"You may just be one person in the world? But to that one person you are the world"!!!!! Ronnie Branch makes each one of his people feel that way no matter what,Ronnie Branch does everything selfless, his acts are for others before himself. Ronnie is just the most incredible mentor and life and success coach there is.I am very glad I am on Automaticbuilder Program with them.It is such an honour to be part of there team.Congradulation Ronnie. Heres his links;Please invite Ronnie to be your friend.also at his sight theres a place to vote please show your support and vote for Ronnie. x
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
7/31/2006 5:03:49 AM

Hi friends,

I wanted to thank Kathy from the bottom of my heart for everything she is doing. The Ab team is dedicated for helping anybody who wants to be apart of a wonderful business opportunity. I also wanted to let folks know that ever since Kim Findlay the young lady who is working to get her home out of foreclosure she joined our team on the 9th of July and already has gone 6 levels deep and has at least 20 or more members in her downline team...

She is already on her way to becoming a Regional director earning $400 residual income. I have helped at least 5 people become Regional directors you lose count after awhile I also have at least 3 becoming National directors earning $800 in residual and one is soon to become an International director $1475 a month.

Sept 15th I definately will become a 1 star International I've gained over 10,000 volume in 30-40 days I dont expect people to believe me yet, but as you get to know me you will soon learn mm a man of my word..

Folks im not here to brag or try to make solid points to pend people against the wall, my intentions have always been wanting to help my brothers and sisters who truly want to be apart of something great or wish to have a second income stream.

This is a serious business and its growing very fast and you will be hearing about Automatic builder for years to come do not make the mistake and join 6-12 months later if your really wanting to build income our team is very solid and prospering.

I have alot of great plans for my team as Im wanting to educate my team and get them plugged into and my goal is to have my team listen to 1 archive call a week.

It gets even better my aim is to offer $348 set of guarented tour takers to the person who emails me what they have learned from the archive call. Whomever writes the best paragraph on what they have learned will win!

Stay tuned for more news everything will be at my adlandpro site

Finally all I have to say is I invite all the Lords children if they want to join our great team the door is there you need but knock and it will be open.

Heres to great friends and your new future for life!

To my success and yours!



7/31/2006 5:35:38 AM

Automatic builder Tst Team "The Success Team"

I wanted to introduce myself my name is Ronnie Branch Im a good friend of Lori Gaudette she is the owner of she has been monitoring my progress since I started in my business with Automatic builder. Im a 

``Rising Star``

with Automatic builder having grown a downline of 485 since Feb 10 2006.

Make no mistake on how you view Automatic builder anybody can write an opinion about anything it would be unfair to write reviews when 95% of all network marketers fail with the Old MLM dinosaurs.

I want to share with you some resources so you can see more on what im talking about one of the team leaders in my team downline named Jake gets 500,000 hits a week from investors this guy has multiple ventures going and some are worth millions he would not entrust me without checking this program out. He has exploded his downline to over 200+ in a month with his video news casts.

You can watch his video cast here about automatic builder right now

Jake is not the only leader whos doing well I have several other leaders who are doing quite well and Kathy has recently joined the fastest growing team with Automatic builder/Nutronix International. Kathy and I have big plans for exploding her downline and we want you to be apart of it if your willing.

Guys this is serious!!

 The Lord spoke to me and said, that one day something grand would be happening in my life and that one day I'd know what it is he did not tell me what it was but shortly later I begun to realize it was Automatic builder/Nutronix he was referring to. The only other thing I have going for myself is the 3 level townhouse I own worth $300,000. I paid $165,000 a wonderful investment for 2 years!

I feel my goal in life is

 pleasing the Lord being one of his champions to the people and helping everybody and I mean everybody. The approach style you've been used to is quite different when dealing with my team we give you a silver platter and help you create an abundence for yourself.

There is no catch its our way of

sharing our blessings with our brothers and sisters and this pleases the Father.It's also considered an investment unless you do well we cannot so its a win win situation for all.

Every since my mother passed away in 2003 she has been helping me. She speaks to me spirtual and the Father does as well, we lost it all my trailor everything but it was through the Lord that

''empowered me with a brilliant mind''

for changing not only my life but the lives of several others overtime. I invite everybody and I mean all if your looking for something our team will pay your way into this business as a junior exec $40 position. When you join you must first upgrade to either a junior or exec director once we confirm your upgraded we will compensate you. We do this as a way to work with only serious people and its part of the qualification phase.

Also we will pay the next 30 people's way in to be placed in a strategical powerline below you so we can get it qualified as a diamond powerleg ask me all about the benefits of having a leg qualified as diamond on the phone its huge just to give you a hint a resource leverage of $5500 monthly doing coop advertising buying gtt's.

Those who have read reviews about MLM and believe whats written have to stop and think 95% of all network marketers fail and it would be unfair to even believe peoples opinion let alone have it convince them outright thats not a wise thing to do.

We have conference rooms of several hundreds who love our businesss and they cant go wrong. Art & Rob Phelps have found a way to even the playing field so average people who are not gifted speakers to grow large downlines completely at home. We have a hands off way for growing this business with whats known as Guarented tour takers.

What I love most about them is the company sends us real time leads 100 per gtt set and we do not have to call or convince them to take the tour at our website they just do it. It's usually 4% that signup and 1 actually sees the vision in upgrading. I usually get 5-10 signups on several occassions becuase I send my postcards out to people who view the page 1 time and others who view it 2 or more times qualify for our time to call them.

Thats what I love about this business we can see who's interested and who's not its like having a magic crystal ball for seperating the good from the bad.

Unlike the old dinosaur MLM companys you'd normally have to court your prospects and take them to meetings Ill tell you right now I did not have to leave my home to get 485 in my downline.

If that sounds great to you, one of my sponsers Gary Smith has over 1400 people on his team and has reported to get 70 new signups in a single day. What MLM can a average person get 70 signups in a single day?

The old dinosaurs did not think the mammel could stand on his 4 legs we have something great here with Automatic builder and those who join now will become a settler as in the olden days the settlers who settled in first got the best parts of the land thus creating an abundence for themselves.

Also view these links they will help you with information regarding this business

Matthew yonin a leader in Nutronix/Automatic builder gained 2000+ downline he now has 3500 on his team in over a year thanks to guarented tour takers
read his story here

Also visit

My site exlusively for Automatic builder has postcards of our great success team and more!

Also vist me on direct matches

I always tell people let Dani Johnson be your modivation mentor and let me be your leg strategy management coach you can visit her site at

I recommend listening to 1 archive call a day or two and for the select few who think this may be to much work I always tell people would you prefer job training 8 hours daily for weeks? Or would you rather put your slippers on and listen to Dani Johnson? A Regional director above Jake went to a Dani Johnson convention and is a changed man!

If you wish to join our powerline we will put you in Kathys powerline. Do not join any links you must email Kathy or I to be placed in a powerline this is important if you want us to pay your way in as a junior exec $40 and the next 30 people to be placed in a powerline below you.

Kathy and have big plans
for Automatic builder and most importantly the Lord has opened the door for you. The Lord relies on good people to carry out his work and consider us as his champions
for the people..

To our success and yours friend!

Ronnie Branch

``Rising Star``

International director
Yahoo id: Rjbwealth4life


Flag of Leslie Combs

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7/31/2006 12:27:00 PM

Hi Ronnie and Kathy

I have signed up for Automatic Builder under Kathy as you know.

I also just signed up under Thank you both for

making this possible for me.

God Bless

Leslie Combs


Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,
Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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7/31/2006 2:13:13 PM
Congrads Ronnie on making the Business Showcase. I enjoyed reading your Bio. I wish you the best as we venture together in networking.