Hey you guys are wonderful to support our good friend Linda on her journey within the Yorgoo world.
She is doing a fantastic job.
Make sure you read the info on Linda's Yorgoo page when you sign up in Yorgoo under her link which is the following:
That page does explain the advanteges of being in the Founder's Club.
Yorgoo is FREE to join, but if you are serious about network marketing, we suggest you upgrade to Pro for the $9.95 per month and this way, all the people that sign up under you remain with you, they are your downline. You can communicate with the, anytime you wish and introduce them to your other businesses.
Also, we have to surf 25-30 pages or so to have your account active.
Please contact Linda at your earliest convenience and let's get you pointed in the right direction.
linda will be very happy to help you out.
CONGRATULATIONS LINDA, I am proud of your dedication,