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I know you may be skeptical
7/27/2006 2:44:32 AM
Hello my friends, I know you may be skeptical, Everybody is. But you are not going to Turn away a Gift? Are You? I am sure you see them signing up? I am sure you see them signing up? over and over and over Real People are signing people everyday and some of them could be put under you but you need to Activate your Membership. It cannot be done without that. Earning $1000 in your own networking business as soon as possible is better than earning 1000 working for someone else. This last week since I quit my job has been amazing omg.I am very excited that God led me to do this,I am even happier that I do walk by faith I am going to make sure that we make the most money possible because it is my goal to get all of us on the road to success. You don't have to build someone else's business. You are building your own! You don't have to wake up, go to lunch, go home or go on vacation when someone else tells you to. You don't have to miss your sons’ first t-ball game or your daughters first dance recital. Trust me I have missed many functions because I had to work, well never again. You are not a puppet on a string. You are the boss. You have control of the hours of your life.You can hang on the phone with me all day if you want. If you own a business, this is a better business model. No overhead and no employees. With Nutronix you haven't just bought yourself an 80hour a week job like most franchises. With Nutronix you build a residual income. And that is a better quality of income. It keeps coming over and over and over again. This is a better quality of income. Your Life is your Own and you can do with it whatever you Please! AGAIN Don't believe me or take my word for it, Try it for 1 month. Activate your No-Cost membership and see what happens! Your friend, Kathy Martin Ronnie Branch Go to Use the Returning Tour taker link to enter the site. Go to the Join page and take advantage of the company's Special Promotional Offer while you can. You will get a full membership, 3 personalized websites and the `Amazing` Sublingual B-12, ALL for ~FREE~! The sooner you get started the higher you are in the Business Matrix. Secure the highest possible position by activating your ~FREE~ membership! Don’t miss the chance for ‘Spillover’ and let someone else take your spot! Also go to and advertise your business and use my business tools for your business at my community.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Leslie Combs

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Re: I know you may be skeptical
7/27/2006 1:49:33 PM


I have signed up on your website and Auotmatic Builder. Look forward to working with you.


Leslie Combs

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,
Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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Re: I know you may be skeptical
7/27/2006 1:49:57 PM
Thanks Kathy I will take a look at it. Right now kids have me tied to the beach as it's in the 90's in Michigan off & on.
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: I know you may be skeptical
7/27/2006 2:35:29 PM
Thanks Ladies, The list is growing Do not delay
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: I know you may be skeptical
7/27/2006 7:54:04 PM

Hi, Kathy

Your friend Stevelyn still hasnt signed up yet and its surely not because of checks balances or anything like that. I did take a peak at the product. And I understand one thing about products. Usually its not always about the product,

its about having a product a good product and convincing enough people to join in hang in there and promote.     

I myself personally am very serious about making money. But as an only child and Air Force Brat I was taught by some old pros.  

Im pretty new to Adlandpro and happy to be here. 

Im definately gonna join just because I know your a winner. One little person not joining wont hurt. But there a lots of us that think were special ya know and maybe those special people just dont want to be numbre 100 on the list even for free.

Everyone we all know that this is a winner pull up your boots and come on .

And Georgios, 

God is real we know that, we just have to slow down and not take on too many projects at one time. Sometimes. Now if your a super poster you can do that well you are a super poster, not me.

But its a good thing for a reason. Theres a lots of information to put out there.   

As long as we are a blessing to someone in some way each day thats a good thing.

I think we all have about the same amount of seriousness in this community.

I want a Rolls Royce Phantom A material thing yes. Of course If I were rich id share probably a third of it.  

I came here to learn and I have learned a lots im a real baby. But this training will create a mastermind ,   


Stevelyn Barnes

Making $100-300 Daily Fast Cash

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