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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Small Things
7/27/2006 2:08:51 AM
Hello My friends, Small Things TGIF Today God Is First by Os Hillman July 27, 2006 Who despises the day of small things? - Zechariah 4:10 Life is filled with a series of small things that can amount to something big. Have you ever considered why the God of the universe came to earth and spent 33 years identifying with mankind through work? Jesus grew up as a carpenter's son and, no doubt, learned the trade from His daily routine of helping His father. For 30 years He worked. When it was time for Him to begin to fulfill His purpose for mankind, He told countless stories of people and their work. He told stories of landowners, farmers, fishermen, tax collectors, and so on. He related to the everyday man because He Himself was one. This is why it was important for Him to have some personal work experience. Life is filled with daily routines. Every now and then, God takes us to the mountaintop to experience His presence in a dramatic way. This is not the norm. It was not the norm for those in the Bible either. Moses spent 40 years in preparation. Paul spent a great deal of his life working toward the wrong purpose until a dramatic event changed his life. Jacob spent 20 years working for Laban. God uses work to develop character qualities that He plans to use at the appropriate time. In the small things we develop trustworthiness with God. The day-in and day-out grind of working life molds us and makes us into what God desires. God may still be preparing you for something far greater. For now, however, you are learning the daily lessons of small things. Pray that you will be faithful.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Small Things
7/27/2006 2:22:42 AM

Hi Kathy, nice message but surprised me, by small things I was expecting to read about a smile given to everyone you meet, or a hug for a friend.

I do think it's the small things in life that can often make another persons day.  Just try it, give someone a great big smile, or a smile and a wink, might make the persons day.

Susan Dorey

Susan Dorey
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Small Things
7/27/2006 2:28:05 AM
Hello Susan, Thank you,What I like to do is always make everyone know how much I love expectations.Everyone loves to hear those words.Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Small Things
7/27/2006 11:22:50 AM

Hi Kathy,

    There is a saying, if you don't worry about the small things, the big things take care of themselves.

   So just keep doing small things and the big things will just happen.

Thank you.

Your Good Friend


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Flag of Robert Talmadge

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Re: Small Things
7/27/2006 11:31:06 AM
A journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step.

It is our understanding that gets sidetracked with the small things.
They may seem small to us.
To another, these things may change the direction of thier lives.

Remember the Laws of Attraction.

1. To recieve you must first give.
2. You must remain focused on your main goal. Let it be the lighthouse to
    the rest of the world so they will not get broken on the rocks, instead
    They will know where the rocks lay and learn to avoid them.
3. You must be ready to recieve. If your life is still stuck on the rocks,
    you will never get anywhere. Lift yourself up off the rocks and you
    start moving.
4. If your mind is firmly set on the direction, you will move toward your
5. There will be some sandbars in the way and you must learn to navigate
    your way through them.
6. *** the torpedoes, full speed ahead !
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.

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