
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Good judgment comes from experience...
7/26/2006 5:28:46 PM

Hi Bogdan,

  And the older you get, the more this seems true.

Thank you,

Your Good Friend


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Re: Good judgment comes from experience...
7/27/2006 1:29:25 PM

My Dear and Respected Brother Bogdan.....!

Thank you for your invitation.

This is really an "Excellent Quote" (with more inclination towards the real value of life).  Appreciated. 

With Warms Regards and Best Wishes.....!

Thanking you, once again.

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers.........!

Your Ever Loving Brother,


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Good judgment comes from experience...
8/15/2006 5:51:25 PM

I LOVE Rita Mae Brown!  I've read almost all of her books!  It's interesting that Nick put a capital L in the word Lesbian...hmmm...that sounds speciaL.

Ms. Brown has also written a series of over a dozen books with her cat "Sneaky Pie Brown", murder mysteries with the same cast of characters in each book, and the pets always solve the murder long before the people do.  They give you a fresh perspective on how animals are always much smarter than we are.

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Re: Good judgment comes from experience...
8/15/2006 5:52:36 PM

I am still a newbie here( Bradley Terhaar), but I love the message here from the experienced aldland members.  This is a community, so I am reaching out to give something back to those who have given so much.  This is truly like a family here.  Tonight I will be posting some websites to get a free list builder and autoresponder.  It will be on my new forum - Best Business Oppurtunities Out There - FREE.  I encourage everyone to join for my intention is to create a new forum with a family like atmosphere.  I want most of the business oppurtunities or tools to be free or fairly inexpensive.  We need to start helping each other.  If you are already a member of so many forums, which I know alot of you are, I would be just be honored for you to visit my forum.

I wish everyone the best and thankyou for letting me post here!

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