=============== I rarely see you or any of the other members of this forum in my forums. I have seen where Gary (and most members of your forums it appears) hold little respect for most members of AdlandPro or the world in general or so it seems to me unless they appear and post something you and Gary approve of.
It appears that your filters are more on a personal level. I know that is not meant to be an insult on your part, you are just pickier on how much noise you want to listen to.
It can be interpreted as a moral high ground or mental high ground in a way. The silence (meaning rare appearances in others forums) to many is offensive on a different scale... ===============
"little respect for most members of AdlandPro or the world in general" --
I have to say, this, in my opinion was a little "below the belt". Both Linda and Peter have taken their personal time, outside of Adland to provide me with whatever assistance I have requested, and I'm sure that I am not the only one.
Gary's intellectual sparing and sarcasm may not be for everyone, but it is not done in malice and I have learned a lot from "sparing" with him. He
I also have forums that I don't see a lot of people from Linda's forums interacting in. I'm not at all offended. Not all of my topics are of interest to them....why would they interact?
As far as "filters being on a more personal level", I would venture to guess that this is true for almost all of us. I am more apt to open an email I receive from you David.....I've interacted with you and have respect for you as a person. Are you not just as likely to open an email from someone you know and trust. I think this is more due to a lack of time......I open those things from people I know first....I am wife aka CEO of a household, a mother to a very active 5 year-old and also work both at home and outside of the home. I don't have countless hours to spend online.
Although I happen to not agree with you on this one David....I still consider you a "friend" and respect both you and your opinions.