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Re: List Building for the novice
7/25/2006 9:36:36 PM
Hi Mary! So nice of you to join us here! Congratulations again on your achievements this week! I agree that the opt-in Master Course is an extremely valuable tool! I should definitely have included it as a reference tool in my list. I have been a subscriber there for a short time now myself. Tim and Mike both send very clear's as good as any course I've ever run across! I will be adding list building ideas as I come across them...all sitting a little dusty on my hard drive as I collected a ton of information and then got bogged down with things that didn't make sense instead of jumping to the things that had value....ahhh the foibles of the newbie...LOL... The good news is I'm better now and list building is my primary priority as one can never have too fat a list!! Some things that I have alrady set in place that instantly started generating leads for me follow. Feel free to check them out and use any or all! Happy List Building my friends! Your Partner in Building Success and Prosperity, Tracey Nadeau (more resources to follow!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice
7/25/2006 10:07:01 PM
Hi Kathy! I'm so glad that you are finding this helpful! I knew that for any of us who have built a small to moderate list and needed new ideas for continuing to build quality lists that our wonderful community would jump in and help out! (It also mad me dig deep for the things I knew would work and find them!! I won't pass them along if they aren't showing results for me so the test runs are on!!!) I haven't got a current update on Kim but have put out a request from Joel to see what is happening there. I've put his page in rotation on about 20 traffic exchanges in the attempt to spread the word far and wide that we need some help. I'm hopeful that together we can make this happen for her. Thank you for your kind addition to the cause! I'll be back soon with some more helpful (hopefully) list building ideas, tools, and tips! In the meantime, a couple more list building/wealth building/traffic generating sites for you to check out! Your Partner in Building Success and Prosperity, Tracey Nadeau
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice
7/25/2006 10:18:48 PM
Hello Dear Sweet Lawrence! Let me start with you have not been unseemly, my dear friend....never fear...a personal reply is in the works later this evening to your email...I've just been busy the last few days and have fallen behind in my personal correspondence...I do apologize for my tardiness. :) What do I mean with regard to list building? I mean that ever growing, quality list of opt-in leads who may or may not yet have purchased from you yet remain open to your contacts with them. Those folks who trust in your sincere desire to build a relationship of trust with you and know that's what you want to do with them.... I agree that the aaturbocharger binary is formidable...( mine is about the same as yours) but that doesn't qualify as a viable quality list of folks eager to receive your emails and learn about the products or information you may have to help them improve their own efforts or lives as we do not receive any information about this binary. Your friend, Tracey (P.S. Look for one unbelievable addition later this evening or early morning!! This is an AWESOME opportunity! I'm getting everything in place to present it to you all now.)
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/25/2006 10:27:12 PM

Tellman is a master affiliate. He is top dog for many of the gurus. He is very energetic. He comes highly recommended. If you have not checked out his material, I suggest you do.

subject: sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?

Are you bogged down at the
starting line by too much info
and not enough real instruction...

sick to death of those programs
that say they're "simple" but
really aren't...

and you want to just get your list
going the easiest and fastest
way possible?

==> MyFirstList
Here's what they're saying about
my brand new list-building course
that REALLY starts from scratch...

"Tellman, Thank you for providing a
list building course which everyone
can understand...

"The step by step instructions were
very easy to follow. I was able to use
this first lesson with no knowledge
of the internet to set up my first list
in less than 30 minutes...

"I have paid $1,000's of dollars for
other programs which were so
complicated I gave up.

"Thanks again for making it so easy."  
--Chad Czerneski

wait no longer...

you, too, could literally have your
page up and gathering names
before tomorrow!

Get started instantly

==> MyFirstList

--David Black

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435-616-5480 -
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No Stress
Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/25/2006 11:09:34 PM
Hello Dr. D! I absolutely agree! It appears you were faster than me today in getting this information to our friends! LOL! It is EXACTLY what I was going to post for them next! As long as they get the information and opportunity I have met one of my goals for the forum...offering the best opportunities available to help everyone succeed! My friends, Dr D. is right on target with this one! Tellman Knudsen is one of the premier promoters for some of the biggest internet marketing gurus. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Tracey You might want to check out what James Grandstaff is offering as well. He is another of todays hottest marketing superstars and he's got an amazing program to help everyone build their downlines... did I mention there's a free offer?? Go check it out!
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!

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