hello Kathy
signed #295
My Childrens mother (X) was a victom... Believed to had been abused by an Uncle... He Bio logical Father used to literally knock her younger sister and her around and Leave bruises on there mother unitl I confinced them to get out and gathered friends to help them move. he went out to a church meeting and under 2 hrs we moved them out and into an apartment.... we were all just in our 19 age range. no adult friends would help except 2 they were all to scared of him... Alls well now ,except her being a victome has a lot to do with her lifes choices and why we're not together. The long term scares is the hard part- bruices heal but mental scares effect the future..... All men are bad ,, your gonna be like him,,, You can't help me,, I'm not good enough for you,, your only nice to me now but later you'll be like him,,, all men turn into that guy,,, so its a long healing proccess and if the victom doesn't (deal) with it their life keeps rotateing in this circle.. and it reflects alot of stress on who they are involved with in a relationship... As most victoms do they push and try to proof their fears true and it just causes misery on everyone.. An abuser takes more then everyone my think from their victom--they take a normal life away..from more people then just their victom, that victoms children and spouse and their families. Its a chain reaction throughout years and lifes after........ Well sorry for the personal history speach... I