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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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7/20/2006 1:21:38 AM
Hello my friends, Here is your daily sermon for you,We all need to walk by faith not by sight, we need to have Gods blessings in our life each day.Kathy "Is God Calling YOU to be Become a Steward of His Wealth and to Prosper for His Kingdom Purposes?" We're Looking For Anointed Christians... who have been trained by Him With Above-Average Dreams like Joseph...Who Know they are to Accomplish Something BIG For God! Are YOU One Of Them? A Faithful Man TGIF Today God Is First by Os Hillman July 20, 2006 A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. - Proverbs 28:20 There is a distinct difference between the workplace believer who operates based on living in the Promised Land versus the one who operates in Egypt. In Egypt, the workplace believer sweats and toils to generate an outcome. The final objective is foremost in their mind. Outcome is everything. In the Promised Land, we learn that obedience is the only thing that matters. We are called to execute, and leave outcome to God. Sometimes that outcome is very positive, yielding a return. In other cases, we may not yield a corresponding return. We may even get a negative outcome. The difference is that we know that we have been faithful to what God has called us to and we yield results to God. God often blesses obedience beyond what we deserve. If God brings wealth to your life, it should come as a by-product of obedience, not an end in itself. God may call each of us to be obedient to situations that may not yield immediate, positive results. It is in these times that our faith must be obedience-based versus outcome-based. What if Jesus had considered the immediate ramifications of whether he would go to the cross? Based on the immediate outcome, the decision would have been an easy one. Who wants to die on a cross? However, for Him there was a higher purpose in that obedience. We are called to this same kind of obedience. This means putting our own flesh on the line daily, dying to our own self-will. This is what it means to be a faithful man. Pray that God will make you a faithful man today.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Talmadge

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7/20/2006 6:19:13 AM
There is a saying in business: "No good deed goes unpunished" If you are doing the right thing, life sometimes seems to be working against you. This is because the world at large is the lost. The blessed must find comfort in what you read in the Bible: "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" You know you are blessed when: 1. You run into obstacles that become solved by co-incidence. 2. Your finances look like you are not going to be able to pay the bills and then suddenly the money becomes available. 3. People view you as being different. 4. You run into adversitiy and you are able to cope where the common man fails. 5. You have hope when everyone around you does not. 6. You succeed in impossible situations.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
7/20/2006 9:39:23 AM

Hi Kathy,

Thanks great words.

Robert you have added your bit too thanks.





Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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7/20/2006 9:43:30 AM
Thank you Kathy & Robert. I'm not a man but I  agree with you both 100%. walk by faith not by sight.
Thanks for those encouraging words.
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7/20/2006 10:58:47 AM
Wonderful true words, I have not always been obedient and I did not fair well for some time but God is still faithful to his kids. He will never leave nor forsake you for he is God and God is Love. Nothing can seperate us from his Love. I Praise God for that,and his mercy is always avaliable to us forever.   Raymond Shinault

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