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New to Blogging
7/19/2006 9:18:22 PM
Hi Folks

I'm new to this forum and to blogging. I'm using Wordpress. Is there a big difference in the platforms that are used? And how often should I post to my blog?

Jim Martin
Common Sense Principles That Work OnlineBusinessAlliance - The Industry Leader
Re: New to Blogging
7/20/2006 2:02:11 PM

Hello Jim,

Yes, there is alot of differences to the different platforms.

I don't know if this can be accessed here but try:

It will give you a comparison to many platforms out there.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

CEO of Bizzy Blogz

Nick Grimshawe

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Re: New to Blogging
8/9/2006 1:36:30 AM
Hi Jim,

Welcome to the world of blogging. I use word press to and I wrote an article called Why Blog, as my first post about seven months ago. Look in my sig and have a visit.

I use wordpress and love it. If you run into any trouble let me know I might be able to help you.

I post to my blog every day and I try to add one article that I wrote at least once a week. Of course you can add articles from article services as well or ones you find that you can use without violating copyright laws. If you find any of my articles   worth copying you are welcome to add them to your blog, with the provison that you name me and the source.

All the best in Blogland.

Nick Grimshawe
Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: New to Blogging
8/9/2006 1:39:12 AM
Hello Kenneth, Have you been to and checked out our tools and our blogs we have free for everyone to use yet????kathy/ I am still waiting on your review so you can go through it with a fine tooth comb and let our viewrs know what you think!!!!!Thanks,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: New to Blogging
8/10/2006 4:36:50 PM
Hi Nick I'm also new to blogging any advice?