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Caroline's Compassion
7/18/2006 12:39:04 PM
When my daughter, Caroline, was very young, we started saying a prayer every time we heard a siren from an ambulance or fire truck.  It's a quick prayer, just, "God, please be with the people the ambulance (or fire truck) is going to help."
     I always initiated the prayer, and sometimes, she would even whine, "I don't want to say it this time."
     I just reminded her that someone was in need, and that if we were in need, we would want people to pray for us.  I thought it was a good way to help her learn about compassion and how, as Christians, we love and care for others, even it we don't know them personally.
     It's the same reason, I told her, that we pick up a few extra items at the grocery store and deliver them to our church's food pantry.  And it's the reason we prepare care packages for missionaries and bag up clothes she has outgrown to take to a local ministry helping the poor.
     But when she started kindergarten this year, I realized she might not fully comprehend the compassion thing.
     When her class was collecting canned goods at Thanksgiving to benefit a local mission, we looked in our pantry to choose something to donate.  She didn't want to give away the corn or sweet peas, because those were her favorites.
     "Let's take the black beans and . . . here, kidney beans . . . yuck!" she proclaimed.
     I realized that, to Caroline, this was more about cleaning out the pantry and getting rid of the foods she didn't like than it was about helping the needy.
     Rationalizing that she was only five years old, we took the cans of "yucky" beans and off we went to school.
     I was rather surprised to pass another mom in the hall that morning, carrying two huge bags laden with groceries.
     "Ashlen insisted that we bring all of this," she told me.  "I tried to pick out a few cans, but she just kept reminding me that the people were hungry and that we needed to give them more."
     "That's so sweet," I told her, with what must have looked like a big, fake grin on my face.
     Actually, I was thrilled that her daughter was so kind, but I had to wonder why mine, apparently, was not.
     Through the holidays, I was determined more than ever, to teach my daughter about compassion.  I told Caroline about all the monetary donations during the season, and we spent extra time focusing on the gifts we were going to give others, rather than what we might receive.  We made extra deliveries to the food pantry, took flowers to the local nursing home and baked cookies and brownies for a few of our elderly neighbors.
     One day at the grocery store, we saw a huge box for donated toys for underprivileged children.
     I pointed the box out to Caroline and told her people were bringing toys to be given to children who might not otherwise get Christmas presents.
     "Maybe we could bring something for the box," I suggested.
     "Well, we could buy some toys, and if they are not something I like, we could bring them here," she told me, matter-of-factly.
     Oh, boy. I realized we still weren't quite there yet.  In earnest, I turned to God.  I asked Him to help me find ways to teach Caroline to be more compassionate, and I asked Him to open her heart to better understand the importance of loving and helping people.
     A couple of months later as I rushed through the house picking up toys and putting away laundry, I peeked in Caroline's room and noticed her sitting on her bed, head bowed and hands folded.
     "Dear God," she said, "please be with the people the fire truck is going to help."
     In all my busyness I had not even heard the siren.
     But she did.

By Frances Pace Putman
Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Flag of Nan Herring

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Re: Caroline's Compassion
7/18/2006 3:05:59 PM

this is wonderful.


Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Caroline's Compassion
7/18/2006 3:32:19 PM

Very Beautiful, I was touched.

Kids are much smarter than we think.

Just giving the right example is still the most powerful thing we can do and with God's help too we can achieve great things in our children's lives just by setting these good examples.

They really are smart. Cute can be smart.

My youngest grandchild Emily is probably the cutest and smartest little girl in the whole wide world (and she loves her Grannan (Grandad for the uninitiated)) but I may be just a little bit biased?

She is 2 years old and at the ''Naughty Two's'' stage. She does things like empty out Nanny's handbag and when you say''That was silly, why did you do that to Nann's bag'' she says, with real coyness  ''sorry, I'm only little''. And she is (BUT SMART)

love to everyone


Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Re: Caroline's Compassion
7/18/2006 4:33:17 PM
Hi Marilyn, What a great reminder of the importance of properly teaching our children. It's not a matter of the results we see as we go along, but a matter of patiently and faithfully teaching them what we know to be right and letting God give the increase in His time. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 God bless, Dave
Flag of Nick Sym

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Re: Caroline's Compassion
7/18/2006 5:51:32 PM

Dear Marilyn!

That was a very special read - now here is something special back to you and are special friends - Bless you Marilyn and Bless those special men.

Fireman's Prayer

lestweforget.jpg (20273 bytes)

When I'm called to duty, God,
wherever flames may rage.

Give me strength to save a life
whatever be its age.

small-bldg.jpg (34707 bytes)
Help me to embrace a little child
before it is too late

Or save an older person from
the horror of that fate.

littlefirefighter.jpg (24146 bytes)
Enable me to be alert
to hear the weakest shout

And quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.

truck.jpg (27487 bytes)
I want to fill my calling and
to give the best in me.

To guard my every neighbor
and protect their property.

building.jpg (15807 bytes)
And if according to Your will
I have to lose my life,

Please bless with Your protecting hand
my children and my wife.

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Fireman's Prayer by A. W. "Smokey" Linn of Wichita, Kansas

usa-ani.gif (60133 bytes)

Mike Devlin from Manchester, England created the beautiful charcoal "Fireman Raising The Flag" picture. His e-mail address is: His website is at Thank you, Mike. We are glad you put your art on the internet. It's beautiful.

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flag-line.gif (242 bytes)

usa-ani.gif (60133 bytes) In Memory of my uncle, Fire Chief Ralph Seavey - Rochester Fire Department newhampshire-ani.gif (48072 bytes)
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