Hello LaNell! 8)
Your forum was the biggest forum we've had for a POTW. It was probably one of your most memorable moments here at Adland.
What a week that was.
Take care my friend! ;-)
John Sanchez
My Blogs
Goodwill Ambassador
WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.
If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
Hello Deborah! :-)
Nice to see you here my dear friend! I'm glad to be able to celebrated again those weeks when you and the other POTW's were being featured. Some of the best moments at Adland occurred during the POTW weeks; folks came out to show their appreciation for their friends and it made for a special event.
Have a great day my friend! 8)
Love ya! ;-)
Hi Carla! 8)
Thanks for showing up my sweet friend! A lot of good things have happened since you won the POTW award. I'm glad to be able to relive the week when you graced our forum. Thank you so much for what you do for us at WOSAT and at AdlandPro.
Take care Sweetie! ;-)