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Key word Research
7/17/2006 2:42:57 PM
Hello my friends, We have amazing friends here alot even have wonderful stories, articles and really cool things to offer people.Here is a friend I am sure to half of Adlandpro I was going through sites and saw Peter has many amazing helpful articles on his webpage.He has apparently written them,everyone should go through and read some of his things.We are all eager to learn about networking and making our business better, he has very helpful tools and information for you. here is one of his Articles: here is Peters Adlandpro site Key word Research It does seem like a powerful statement, doesn’t it? It does. There are some of you out there who put little bit or no regard into, or who don’t realize the great importance of keywords. For those of you, keyword research you need to do prior to getting one single page up and running will have a powerful effect on how well you market to you targeted public. No stress. After all, why does this keyword research seem to be so darned significant? Let’s assume, we’re together, you and I, and we’re sitting behind the stage. You’re probably the most renowned lecturer in your field. I draw back the curtain and guide you to stand up on the podium to give a speech in front of 200 people. There’s nothing to it. You pick some written notes out of your pocket, and you begin your presentation. For about 35 minutes, you give your speech. After you’re done, the audience applauds you kindly… like out of obligation. You’re puzzled. The fact is that was one of your top speeches ever. You were convincing, you described the issues, you defined the existing solutions, and then you revealed your suitable product for them. And then, what seemed to be the problem out there? This attendance wasn’t expecting you, in fact, they’re waiting for some other guy to speak about a separate matter. In fact, they didn’t have a clue about what you were talking about. As a result, this wasn’t YOUR public. They weren’t you target market. You prepared every little thing… you perfectly laid it out to be a “slippery path” that pointed exactly to the clear answer to their problems, your product. But unfortunately, you were speaking to the wrong guys. So, how this has anything to do with keyword research? The surfers that visit your site are closely related to certain keywords. These keywords phrases are trying to point out the solutions they’re looking for, for a certain problem they have encountered. If you tell to the search engines that your site is known for “niche widget solution”, or using other keywords phrases such as your name, your business name…that is not the solution your prospects are out there searching for. To find out what keywords your market is looking for as a solution for a problem, all you got to do is keyword research. They are looking for “perfect position” or “correct golf swing”, not “Xtreme Putter”. As far as they’re concerned, they never heard of Xtreme Putter. Keyword Companion To change that, you have to do a correct and efficient keyword research. Here is his link to his site here is Peters Adlandpro site
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Key word Research
7/17/2006 2:53:15 PM

Hi Kathy,

  Yes, there is a lot of good reading there about a topic which is SOOOO important - to those who have websites.  

Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Key word Research
7/17/2006 2:55:13 PM
Hello Curt, Thanks for coming,Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Talmadge

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Re: Key word Research
7/17/2006 4:29:18 PM
When I put my main page up almost a year ago, I used a metatag generator and a keyword search engine. Now my pages appear over 300 times in google, yahoo, MSN and more. I am number 3 in the google catagory, I was number 1 but it slipped a bit. It is important to get your site linked and back end linked. I get about 100 visitors a day from search engines, but most of my hits are generated by other programs which I use The main page gets as many as 40,000 hits in a single month. There is a lot of information and you could make a full time job just from Keyword research and there are some top marketers making full time income from this. I personally know several.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of The Drummerboy

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Re: Key word Research
7/18/2006 12:54:37 AM

Hi Kathy!

Great forum!  We could literally talk about his subject for days....

Keyword research is an aspect of inet marketing that should not be overlooked.  Sometimes, as an affiliate you don't have any control over the Metas......but that is rapidly changing within the industry. 

It can be quite a tiresome, boring, redundant task.  You also need to be a little creative.  It helps to check out your competition too!  Look at their source page to see what they are using.  Look at their content.......

Although proper keywords (and not overused) are important when trying to get higher SE rankings.....when it all comes down to brass tax......content is King.  The spiders love love love love content!

My 2 cents.......

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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