
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Do not think a man has done his full duty when....
7/17/2006 6:57:59 PM


His quote is exactly right and  he lived it out in his life and now it is carried out through philithropic organizations.  He built libraries, museums, donated money to churches who promoted the peace ethic. My little hometown church received money to purchase an beautiful pipe organ.  He had much but gave it away generously.

He reminds us that we think we have given it our all there is still more we can do. 

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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Do not think a man has done his full duty when....
7/17/2006 8:22:01 PM

Hi Bogdan,

      Well said.

       Thank you.

Your Good Friend


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Judy Smith

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Re: Do not think a man has done his full duty when....
7/18/2006 8:55:19 AM

Going the extra mile!  Andrew Carnegie went the extra mile to become who he was and he expected the same from all who wanted to move up the ranks.

GREAT MAN!  Great Quote, Bogdan  Thanks


And, Blessings

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